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9' vs. 10' Stylemaster for lightweight beginner

Created by Kisutch > 9 months ago, 4 Oct 2022
430 posts
4 Oct 2022 3:23AM
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Hey all,

There are two used Fanatic Stylemasters for sale where I am - one is 10x28.5 (2021 maybe), the other is 9x29 (2019).

I wanna buy one for my wife who is 41 years old, 60kg, athletic, beginner SUP surfer. I think both boards are suboptimally heavy for her to carry, but I think if I try to find a lighter carbon longboard shape (in USA) it'd end up being way more expensive (cause not available used and higher retail price) and it'd probably have more rocker (New Deal or Starboard) or thiner rails (Kalama). The weight is a problem but I don't see an easy solution.

I figured the gains in glide for the 10' would outweigh stability loss (if any) of narrower width. She paddled friends 9x28 118L board OK in surf so think stability not a big issue.

Which board would you go with here?

QLD, 5103 posts
4 Oct 2022 6:54AM
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I'd be going the 10 .@130 liters .as you said better glide ,first board and I reckon she will get more use out of a bigger board .
the weight doesn't seem that bad at 8'7 kgs .my 8'10 Sunova is 8'3 kgs ,so it's not overly heavy .
28-5 is narrowish but 60 kgs ,blah .easy .

191 posts
4 Oct 2022 6:52AM
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I have the 10'and would advise she goes that way, the rails are quire thin, its not such a stable board as it size suggest in chop or windy conditions. Beside she may use it as a cruiser .

NSW, 216 posts
4 Oct 2022 10:27AM
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Hi mate, the 10x28.5 will make the first few months in the surf much easier. She will progress much quicker and if she enjoys it go smaller and lighter on the next board. It will give her plenty of balance to allow her to focus on catching and riding waves.

The 10 footer will always be a fun board to keep around.


430 posts
5 Oct 2022 12:52PM
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Thanks for the great feedback. Dang the 10' already sold! Think I'll still get 9

NSW, 216 posts
5 Oct 2022 7:18PM
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Thanks for the great feedback. Dang the 10' already sold! Think I'll still get 9

Well in that case, I retract my last statement and the 9 footer will be an excellent choice

430 posts
12 Oct 2022 12:06AM
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There's a used 9x28 Infinity New deal for sale I could maybe get someone to grab for me while on a trip. It'd be lightweight, but worried it'd be just unstable enough to make learning less fun if she's not getting out frequently. She's paddled our kids 7x25 85L foamie so I know she could master this board , but not an ideal learning board. But kinda wanna get it cause I could start her on friend's larger boards.. Hmmmmm

279 posts
12 Oct 2022 4:38AM
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I love the infinity longboard, 9x28 would be a fine board for a small learner even for flat water cruising it has plenty of glide. Light weight is so nice and a smaller board is less intimidating to deal with on and off the water. Someone that size shouldn't feel much side to side instability on a 9' longboard until you start getting down to 27 and below, because the outline area is so big relative to their weight.

430 posts
14 Oct 2022 4:38AM
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slsurf said..
I love the infinity longboard, 9x28 would be a fine board for a small learner even for flat water cruising it has plenty of glide. Light weight is so nice and a smaller board is less intimidating to deal with on and off the water. Someone that size shouldn't feel much side to side instability on a 9' longboard until you start getting down to 27 and below, because the outline area is so big relative to their weight.

Hahaha that's all the convincing I need- I'm going for it. So psyched to try it, uh I mean I'm psyched for my wife to try it:)


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"9' vs. 10' Stylemaster for lightweight beginner" started by Kisutch