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DEEP Oceanboards 8’4” STRETCH Minion // Review

Created by djansen > 9 months ago, 16 Feb 2015
QLD, 77 posts
15 Apr 2015 12:06PM
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I would have to say the 8'4 is my goto board

I am putting my 7'10 up for sale, not for any other reason except that it just doesn't get the use it deserves

The 8'4 has become my right arm and really suits my surfing style and home break. (Sunny Coast QLD)

As I have previously mentioned in this post and others, I don't have the cat like balance of some of you younger pups and at 48 years young I have no need for a quiver instead its replaced with the kiddy quiver as the family usually rides with me to my surfing destinations.

Hands down the extra length, width and thinner volume being more evenly distributed does have its small performance drawbacks which are to be expected but none the less I have a VERY big smile when I leave the surf EVERYTIME! Ferraris are not my goto car either rather a BMW X5....Go anywhere do anything and when you put the foot down still a performance drivers vehicle and of course the M5 version.

If anyone is interested in a 7'10 minion rocket hardly used, kept in the garage just PM me the images above are of the board and it has sadly has had no further use since the 8'4''

This does however make way for my next Deep purchase..... now what will that be....stay tuned

VIC, 516 posts
15 Apr 2015 12:52PM
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Thanks for that. I spend a lot of time back home on the Sunny Coast so I am familiar with the type of surf to which you refer.
I am about to put in an order with Simon and I really appreciate your feedback.
Have to Catch up for a surf this winter.

QLD, 1535 posts
7 May 2015 8:12PM
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Hey djansen, another month gone by, how you finding the 8"4'?
There's been some great waves for you to get your minion teeth into.
I'm conning from a 10"2' x 32 JP - its 170litres. So I am thinking the 7"10' of these things may be a bit small. And these boards have definatly got me curious. Am following the other thread on here as well.

Oh, and great write up by the way!!

QLD, 2056 posts
7 May 2015 9:32PM
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Hi there bobajob, I,m 75kg & went from a 9'6" Allwave (I think there about 160L) to a 7'10 (119L) Minion. I initially found it quite unstable but getting more comfortable on it now with some great conditions here on the Sunny Coast lately.

Two other chaps that I surf with have Minions, both are quite experienced & around 80kg they have 7'8-7'10 Minions (120&124L).

I,m fairly new to sup & on ordering Simon was great help with dimensions.

QLD, 77 posts
8 May 2015 1:23PM
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Hey Bobajob

yep a few months have passed and I sold the 7'10

The 8'4 just suits my style of surfing, and standing out the back waiting for waves.

I do enjoy the extra body width and yes there is a slight performance difference in the length (Obviously)

Then again I wouldn't have a Ferrari as my daily driver either!

Will try and get another video up soon for you guys

all the best


QLD, 1535 posts
8 May 2015 6:45PM
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I do like the sound of the 8"4'. It sounds like a great balance of being able to relax a bit between waves and a bit of performance. And no, I'm not a rip and slash type SUP surfer in the waves. And I generally don't go out when its windy - except offshore. Couldn't be bothered with slop.
Looking forward to another vid.

Thanks for you input Toppleover.

59 posts
16 May 2015 1:05PM
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Hey, picked up my 8'4" stretch Minion last week as a result of Darren's original post and stoked. I'm 100kg, 188cm and 59 and have really been enjoying a Fanatic Prowave 9'6". I bought a 7'8" minion and just found it a little limiting - limited to glassy conditions only.

So far I've had it in sloppy 3' at Burleigh with 10knots onshore and 3' at home in bumpy 15knots side off shore winds. Stability is great and no problems paddling out or in between sets. Catching waves, easy. Speed, awesome. In terms of performance loss compared to the 7'10" it was noticeable going back hand but not the other way so need to look at my technique. I did however notice that I couldn't be as lazy on my bottom turns. A couple of times I got bucked off. On the bright side commit and get the timing right and it really takes off.

A friend was out on his PW 9'6" so able to see the boards performance side by side. Even more stoked with the Minion now.

I also endorse all the comments about Simon from Deep. Really helpful and passionate about what he does. Great also to have a locally hand made board. STOKED!

59 posts
7 Jun 2015 3:03PM
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A weekend of 2 - 3' surf with everything from glassy close outs to choppy 15 knots side shore. Awesome board and can't be happier. Super stable and catches everything. Amazing glide but still super loose. Stoked.

VIC, 2131 posts
7 Jun 2015 10:43PM
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Great to hear! What are the dimensions of the 8'4" Minion (width and volume)?

59 posts
8 Jun 2015 6:13AM
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Hi Darren,

Same as yours at 8'4" x 31 x 41/4. I considered narrower but now happy I stayed with 31. On Friday I was out for 3 hours starting off glassy conditions and ending up really lumpy. Normally I would have come in half way into the session but really comfortable in even the choppy conditions. Definitely not as loose as the 7'10" but catching heaps more waves. I can't get over the glide. Yesterday a mate was out, on an 10'6" Naish Nalu, with me in really soft 2'- 3' waves. It was marginal wether he caught any more waves than I did on the Minion but I was able to carry them through to the reform where he couldn't.
It is totally different surfing though. On my Pro wave I'm used to, if stepping too hard or early on the tail, the brakes coming on where as on the Minion it comes alive.
I also got the vacuum bagged version which is definitely heavier but not noticeable in the water. Stoked!

QLD, 1535 posts
8 Jun 2015 11:14AM
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So I'm guessing the "stretch" is no longer a "custom" board anymore due to the rising popularity of it.
Have just put down a deposit on the 7'10" but am now seriously considering changing to the stretch before Simon gets started (6 weeks lead time), you guys are making it sound so good

59 posts
8 Jun 2015 11:09AM
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The stretch suits me perfectly. I'm 6'2", 59 and 100kgs. I also have the 7'10" but struggle in anything but glassy conditions.

QLD, 1535 posts
8 Jun 2015 1:45PM
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Was there much price difference between the 7'10" and the "stretch"? Even as I was driving to the shop I couldn't decide which way to go until I was talking to Simon, I just blurted out 7"10'
Just that I'm coming down from a 10'2" by 32" JP, but have had it about 3 years.
I'm about 6'0" & 88Kg and have 11 years to catch up on you, 913!

59 posts
8 Jun 2015 2:15PM
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I don't think there is a price difference however I have a mate who is your height, weight and age and is very comfortable on a 7'10". I've been told that 2" in height is like the equivalent of 10kg in weight and i also have 12 kgs on you. You will notice a difference coming off the 10'2". I came off a 9'6" Fanatic Pro Wave and very comfortable in flat conditions on the 7'10" minion but not once the wind came up. In terms of stability I would put the 8'4" 1st, 9'6" Fanatic 2nd followed by the 7'10".
Maybe consider keeping the JP for those rough days. You'll love the Minion.

QLD, 1535 posts
8 Jun 2015 9:32PM
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Thanks for that, OK sticking with the 7'10"..............

QLD, 77 posts
9 Jun 2015 9:28AM
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Hey Peper wack up a picture of your ride when you get a chance would love to have a look see.

P.S. Glad I could help



59 posts
9 Jun 2015 2:29PM
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VIC, 407 posts
10 Jun 2015 9:46AM
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What is the weight of the 8'4, thinking of either going for a JP 8'8 X32 or the 8'4 mininon.

59 posts
10 Jun 2015 9:36AM
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I'm not sure but I think around 9kgs. My light weight carbon one is definitely lighter but you just don't seem to notice it on the water. It is slower to paddle than my Pro Wave and I often think that there is no way i'm going to pick up some of the waves I go for. I pretty much catch everything early and late and it only really takes no more that 1 or 2 paddle strokes. On the wave the board feels almost weightless.

Something I did have to get used to though is riding the board off the tail but it seems to have become natural to do that as there is nowhere else to go.

VIC, 407 posts
10 Jun 2015 7:45PM
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if you get a chance could you put it on the scales, i would be very interested to know how much it weighs.

QLD, 77 posts
22 Nov 2015 8:41AM
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Selling my 8'4 Stretch Minion

This thing FLY's

Comes Jackson Close fins as shown in the pic

Sad to see it go but a new shinny from Deep on the way! stay tuned :)

Board is only months old with no dings or scratches - available on the sunshine coast

sorry couldn't get a vid out to you guys been flat chat busy

see the for sale section to get my details

Be quick cause its priced to sell as fast as the board is!

QLD, 442 posts
22 Nov 2015 6:38PM
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Select to expand quote
djansen said..
Selling my 8'4 Stretch Minion

This thing FLY's

Comes Jackson Close fins as shown in the pic

Sad to see it go but a new shinny from Deep on the way! stay tuned :)

Board is only months old with no dings or scratches - available on the sunshine coast

sorry couldn't get a vid out to you guys been flat chat busy

see the for sale section to get my details

Be quick cause its priced to sell as fast as the board is!

Hey Darren - did you get 2 x 8'4' Minions? The one earlier in this post is Blue & Red?

QLD, 1535 posts
23 Nov 2015 7:49AM
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Changed colour and lost 1/4 inch on the width.

QLD, 77 posts
30 Nov 2015 8:00AM
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Yep lost a little around the hips, built for speed this one and it is for sale as I have a new shiny on the way!

QLD, 1535 posts
30 Nov 2015 4:45PM
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Seriously though DJ, did you get another after the original? Has this design been tweeked from the original? The reason I ask is that I went to see Simon and basically ordered what you got. I mentioned there's a guy on seabreeze raving about an 8'4" stretch and he knew what I was talking about. I pretty much then left it in the hands of Simon. What I ended up with is what it seems quite a few others on here have, with the width at 30.5" not 31" - same as the latest one your selling?


Oh, and I just noticed on my last post I said 1/4", meant 1/2"


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"DEEP Oceanboards 8’4” STRETCH Minion // Review" started by djansen