Looking for blur v2 in australia 90litre or 100lt not fussed let me no if anyone is selling
It's certainly a board I would like to try as well. 100lt would be the bare minimum for me though.
anyone know why the changes in length/width don't seem clearly related to changes in volume from 7-11 to 8? Does thickness increase or something?
Realize volume scales exponentially with area but that aside some changes not intuitive
Thickness increase, on larger boards of course.
Also, most shapers do not scale their boards in the exact same proportions for the length, width and thickness, for instance to ease paddling for heavier riders (exact proportionality would make the larger boards too wide), or considering that smaller boards will be in general used by younger and/or more athletic riders, and can sacrifice stability for performance in smaller shapes.
Basically each shaper has his "magic secret rule" in scaling boards.
Thanks Colas - wish it was easier to demo boards cause it'd be fun to know how it'd feel to change the thickness of my 8x28 while keeping the l/w within a 1/2 inch. I guess I could just put a weight belt on?