Here is a review of the new HP series Destroyer from a customer who was one of the first in the world to get his board.
Hi Rod,
I've surfed the new 10'x 31.5 HP JL Destroyer today. I'm really happy with the board. It took me a few waves to get my foot positions nailed, after being a JL Striker rider for nearly 7 years.
Using my usual 2+1 fins, 4.5' sides & 6.5 centre, it was easy to turn especially the swing around for late take offs.
It has a nice rocker, no pearling and easy to paddle on & catch waves. It turns nice & runs brisk down the line on clean faces.
The forward Hexa Traction pads I have fitted give a secure footing feeling up front. Congratulations Rod on the very satisfying new
10'x 31.5 Destroyer HP latest model updates.
As I'm in the OLDER generation of ???????Sup Surfers ???????, it will defiantly provide me many yrs of enjoyable surfing.