Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

Jimmy Lewis Destroyer fins?

Created by diceman > 9 months ago, 4 Mar 2022
22 posts
4 Mar 2022 2:59PM
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Hi SUP experts,

anyone own a 9-3 Destroyer? I do love the board but my last JL was a Kwad.
I wonder how the Destoyer would go as a quad? If so, what brand and size fins please.
thanks! Diceman66

VIC, 797 posts
5 Mar 2022 12:14AM
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Most on this forum (who know fins) would say...
Quobba Fins. Lrg sides, med trailers.

I would say try Lrg fronts and Small/med rears in basically any HP quad template. If the rear fins are too big, quad Sup boards tend to track and not turn, that's why it's usually recommended to go smaller on rears.

Try and go fibreglass over plastic.

5164 posts
5 Mar 2022 2:28PM
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Just like Hoppo said. Plus you can also use symmetrical foil fins in the rear to soften a bit the hold if you feel that your boards tends to track.

For instance I used small side Quobba as rear fins on my small wave quad boards, for maximum squirt when pumping them, but two rear small Quobba fins (symmetrical) on quad boards I used in medium waves, to ease entering and controlling carving turns.Note that Quobba rear quad fins are not available yet, so I just use stand ones. They are a bit bigger in the head for this use than what could be ideal, so you must drive them with your rear foot well on them.

25 posts
19 Mar 2022 8:49AM
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Hi Diceman,

Hey can I ask, how does the weight of your Jimmy Lewis board compare to other similar size boards?

Haven't seen one in the flesh and was wondering if they were heavier with the sandwich construction

Thinking of a JL Maestro


VIC, 797 posts
19 Mar 2022 4:53PM
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JL boards as known to be very light. They are one of the lightest weight brands available, along with one of the best constructions.

My 8'9" Worldwide Carbon was just on 7kg incl fins and the full board length deckpad.

25 posts
19 Mar 2022 6:45PM
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Thanks Hoppo

22 posts
3 Apr 2022 12:21PM
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Hey all, big thanks for your comments.I know the direction I should head now.
in answer to the question, my JL is one of the lightest SUPs I've had.superb.
I think a light SUP is the way to go as the extra length in many provides enough weight as it is, if you get me.

The JLs certainly perform and I've owned Naish, Paddle Surf Hawaii, C4, Laird, Deep.
They'd be in the top 5 if not top 2.

118 posts
16 May 2022 11:08PM
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For me, it's this set-up all day every day. Large in the front Medium in the back. Run before most of my boards as a quad but when I tested this Thurster set-up I was hooked. Tested and tried a lot of fins but I keep coming back to the quobba fins (cannot add more than Colas at this point, he explains it very well). But also keep in mind that it's also personal preference and I don't have a 9'3 destroyer so that maybe shouldn't be a big of a difference to my 8'0 and 7'7 but still I would recommend to try it out yourself.

113 posts
18 May 2022 9:50AM
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Why do you have two Destroyers of similar size?

estingo said..

For me, it's this set-up all day every day. Large in the front Medium in the back. Run before most of my boards as a quad but when I tested this Thurster set-up I was hooked. Tested and tried a lot of fins but I keep coming back to the quobba fins (cannot add more than Colas at this point, he explains it very well). But also keep in mind that it's also personal preference and I don't have a 9'3 destroyer so that maybe shouldn't be a big of a difference to my 8'0 and 7'7 but still I would recommend to try it out yourself.

118 posts
18 May 2022 5:34PM
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For clean sessions the 100 liter for windy and choppy sessions (read mostly winter sessions) the 115 liter.
At some point the 115 liter might be replaced for a sup longboard with the same volume but for now is this my ultimate board quiver.

113 posts
21 May 2022 9:40AM
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estingo said..
For clean sessions the 100 liter for windy and choppy sessions (read mostly winter sessions) the 115 liter.
At some point the 115 liter might be replaced for a sup longboard with the same volume but for now is this my ultimate board quiver.

makes sense
i use a supertech 7 '10 on glassy days, GG 8.7 on choopy

WA, 4 posts
8 Jun 2022 1:16PM
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i have a 8ft 6inch destroyer. In thruster set up. would 2 medium size quobba fins at front help with my turns and speed.

VIC, 797 posts
8 Jun 2022 10:04PM
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depends what fins you are coming from and the conditions...

I'd run large sides and rear in Quobba on a 8'6"... I found the medium rear lost the drive I liked with my older fins.

wind driven
NSW, 81 posts
14 Jun 2022 8:05PM
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estingo said..
For me, it's this set-up all day every day. Large in the front Medium in the back. Run before most of my boards as a quad but when I tested this Thurster set-up I was hooked. Tested and tried a lot of fins but I keep coming back to the quobba fins (cannot add more than Colas at this point, he explains it very well). But also keep in mind that it's also personal preference and I don't have a 9'3 destroyer so that maybe shouldn't be a big of a difference to my 8'0 and 7'7 but still I would recommend to try it out yourself.

How have you put the rear Quobba (which i presume is futures style base) into US/long board box? Is it a home made adapter?

118 posts
22 Jul 2022 10:30PM
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With the quobbas I always ask for a FCS center fin and Future side fins. I use the FCS adapter for the US/longboard box. So the center fin is actually a FCS fin. I also made like Colas a Future fin adapter but he made it from wood and Alu, I made it from an old single fin and drilled it so when it fits.

wind driven
NSW, 81 posts
24 Jul 2022 1:00PM
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estingo said..
With the quobbas I always ask for a FCS center fin and Future side fins. I use the FCS adapter for the US/longboard box. So the center fin is actually a FCS fin. I also made like Colas a Future fin adapter but he made it from wood and Alu, I made it from an old single fin and drilled it so when it fits.

I ended up doing the same, getting an FCS centre and FCS adaptor. Have set up with large side fins and med centre on 8'5 JL Striker and there a noticeable difference to original set up, very happy with it!

118 posts
27 Jul 2022 2:57PM
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Good to hear that it worked out and that you have a noticeable difference in the original set-up. To be honest didn't I used the orginal fins from the destroyer on my 8'0 and my 7'7. Soon will I try the AU fins out, so I'm curious how that will feel.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Jimmy Lewis Destroyer fins?" started by diceman