Have a 9'6' composite on layby, should have it soon, cant wait. Have you been riding it with the quads or thruster?
From Ken....HI Guys, The lairds always look to me to be too wide in the nose, and that it would catch all the time. Does that happen or not? The reviews are pretty good here. I'd be interested to hear comparisons between the laird and the naish nalu, for those who have surfed both. Thanks, Ken.
Sorry for late reply to this. The one thing you have to look at is the nose rocker , it's really raised up so no nose stick at all. You can let it come down without racing to the tail , it's rides put on it's own. As I said previously very clever design.
Enjoyed this post enough to go get one. Fun board. Anyone tried any other fin set ups on ten foot Surfer other than already mentioned? No previous nose riding experience but keen to get the toe on the nose and learn some old school style.
Best fin set up for the balance of tail/ rail turns and nose riding? Love the video in this thread and wondering if Guts is riding 29" wide and what fins he may be using. Looks like thruster.
I must admit I haven't got a Laird.......yet.... but I reckon I would try leaving it as a thruster but just going with a 5" or even 4.5" centre right forward in the box, that should loosen it up.
A 10' Surfer is on the wish list.
Hey Creek!
Congrats on finding the Laird.
I've had 10'6" Pearson Laird Surftech, with 3 boxes, for about 4 years.
I've run it with lots and lots of fins - mostly larger singles,
trying to hang 10.
However, I do run it as a twin sometimes.
I got a pair 5 1/8" DEPTH, 7" wide fins - its pretty lose.
I've also used those twins with a small 2.1/4" DEPTH 6" BASE keel nubster.
- did some sliding around the top of the waves.
Both of those setups made it pretty lose & fun,
but if you go too far on the nose, the tail can pull out and you can
side slip (actually pretty fun) but if you go even further forward,
kerplunk, the tail will let loose and you'll get dunked -
I'm talking a foot or so from the nose - so might not be an issue.
The smallest single I've run it with is 7.5" Fins Unlimited Swept Fin.
-- also similarly loose to the twin setup and you can go further out on the nose (pretty far)
without the tail letting go - had quite a bit of fun with this setup on small waves.
It is interesting that if you aren't going to go way up on the nose,
you can run some pretty small fins. Also, with the small fins,
I've noticed less drag - so easier to catch small mushy waves - although the waves
you've posted (on the zone) look pretty powerful.
I run a big 11" sparky (actually measures 10.75)to get the best noserides but it takes a lot more paddle power
because of the increased drag. I've also run the two big side bites with a 10" HP Swept Fin (looks like a sickle) for similar noserides and drag. Yeah - I can easily steer it from the nose with the big side bites in and the HP Fin in (which is pretty flexible).
Similary with the orginal smaller side 4" bites and the original 9.5" fin in.
Its a fun board to mess around with.
I've been looking at the new Lairds - I'm remembering,
the new 10'6 is a bit wider - I think 30" versus 29.75"
and less volume 140 liters versus 154 - something like that.
The new one also weighs less 20.5 to 23.5 pounds, depending upon construction -
- I've not weighed my old one, but it feels like 30 pounds.
But the "old" shape is pretty darn good!
Thanks subber... great info!!!
I just weighed the 10'6 Laird (surftech) on a digital shipping scale.
With fins = 26.2 lbs
without fins = 24.8 lbs... so 1.3 lbs more than the new ones. Not bad
I have run my small boards as twins, but it hadn't occurred to me to run a longboard as a twin... I like it! I have the perfect keel fins to try on it.
I noseride on most waves, because that's the biggest appeal of a longboard for me.... so it will probably end up with some sort of center fin.... but with the right side bites, I may be able to keep the center to a minimum. OR, just say to hell with turning and run a monster single all the way back and tip ride all day
Have fun with your Lairds... it's great to see so much attention being shined on Longboard SUPs.... too much fun to overlook.
Bottom pic shows my 8'11 Hobie RAW as a twin, with the Keel fins
yes indeed
had the old 10 .6 laird for two and a half years, great fun and such a good board.
but wait until you try the new models they are insane
i am now riding the new 9.6 surfer EPS, fantastic pure and simple !!!!
lighter, faster, turns so much easier, and yes you can still run the nose.
have ridden in ****ty little beach breaks to overhead perfect point waves.
my favourite board to date !!!!
Put the Laird set in, a tail block as I kept standing too far back and slipping. A bit of spray on grip and some happy feet on the nose to protect it and now just have to get the toes up there. This ten foot surfer works really well in a bit of size and power. Has been great to relax standing waiting and plenty of glide after getting off fairly narrow, low volume shorter Sup. Have not had it in small glassy waves yet. Looking forward to it.
Near flat days not a problem on these boards. Ten foot Surfer pure joy.
Reminds me of what I first got into Sup for before the short, low volume high performance bug hit.Fun fun fun
Maxeaus, I picked up the board on a partial trade (a well used 10'6" C4 Classic and some cash) from a friend.
He bought the board at the Orlando Surf Expo from Laird. Bob Pearson and Laird had a booth there.
My friend is bigger than I am and thought the board was too low volume for him. I guessing it's about 140L.
Anyway the pad is an Xtrak, which I put on myself.
Been playing with some fins a bit myself...
I replied to the "Log" thread last week, but figured it belonged here as well.
Gonna have to eat some crow here... happy to do it. I didn't have a big enough fin for my Laird... so today, I took my monster Naish fin and screwed it in a best I could (slots not deep enough) Totally different board. All of a sudden it turned... it got loose.... all the things it was missing with the Laird thruster set-up and the quad option. So sorry I gave up on this board.... I thought for sure, that if it didn't turn with the stock fin set-ups... it wasn't going to. I was WRONG! All the stuff I said before.... nevermind
Damn good board now that I have the fin thingy sorted out.
How is the durability of these boards?.There was some concern in early posts that the decks were soft .Was this on the composite ,or eps?and how are they holding up.
The bamboo composite is way more expensive,but if the board is going to be a keeper is there any justification in spending the dollars ,also is there a weight difference?I really like the look of the bamboo but would have a hard time justifying the extra bucks on that alone.
Thanks for that surfershane,I also grew up with mals ,and am fairly familiar with using the weight and length.Never really got into shortboards at all.A long Laird surfer would seem to me to be the perfect board for me.Mal surfing with a paddle