Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

SMIK Short Mac vs Jimmy Lewis Destroyer

Created by Surfnbjj > 9 months ago, 10 Oct 2021
NSW, 57 posts
10 Oct 2021 4:35PM
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Looking at getting a new board, mind is pretty much set on the JL Destroyer (7'7" 100L) but now wondering about the SMIK Short Mac 7'10". Are they noticeably different boards? Anyone know any Pro's/Con's of each? I am limiting to these particular boards because of availability, I can get the JL new, and there is a used SMIK close enough to pick up.

NSW, 43 posts
10 Oct 2021 7:21PM
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Why don't you see if Rob on the central coast can give you a demo on a destroyer?

NSW, 57 posts
10 Oct 2021 8:13PM
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jvriesinga said..
Why don't you see if Rob on the central coast can give you a demo on a destroyer?

I've demo'd the 7'7" Destroyer and owned an 8'5" when learning. Just haven't ridden a SMIK

NSW, 43 posts
10 Oct 2021 8:40PM
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I see. I've owned an 8'5 destroyer but haven't ridden anything that small before. I'm sure someone has ridden the short Mac. Smik do make great boards. Good luck with your choice

NSW, 748 posts
11 Oct 2021 8:34AM
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The short Mac design,is a very good board .I have done my most progressive top to bottom surfing on the 8.5,they are definitely underrated IMO.

64 posts
12 Oct 2021 4:24PM
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I'd say the Hipster is a design classic, if you haven't already pulled the trigger. Love mine. Had a few boards now to compare, current quiver is spitty, steller ozx and hipster around 111 to 118 ltr at 56 yo, 84kg. The Hipster goes better than them all, in small, medium, and even largish waves with light wind, where you dont need a lot of paddle speed for take off.
The hipster is fast, light, tight turning, always amazed what I can do on it, when conditions are good. Feels similar to a prone board in many ways. Caught a few head high gems yesterday, where it held in steep faces and I could get some nice top and bottom turns and cutbacks in, going faster than I would on a prone board.

NSW, 57 posts
13 Oct 2021 4:46PM
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I decided on the JL Destroyer. Sold my previous board with the intention of getting the Destroyer the next day, only to be told it sold the same day. I have one on order, now the waiting game. I was close to going with a SMIK, there just wasn't much info/reviews on the Short Mac, people seem to go for the Hipster Twin over it, so I just went with what I knew is a good solid board.

WA, 20 posts
6 Feb 2022 1:49PM
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How did you go with the destroyer, looking at one myself. Cheers !


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"SMIK Short Mac vs Jimmy Lewis Destroyer" started by Surfnbjj