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Which 12'6" for surfing?

Created by Scottydc > 9 months ago, 15 Jan 2016
NSW, 73 posts
15 Jan 2016 7:51AM
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Im after a 12'6" that i can use for surfing in small waves, cruising the coast and a little flatwater. My main focus is that it surfs well though. What are my options?

264 posts
15 Jan 2016 5:06AM
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I'll definitely recommend the SIC Bullet 12'6. Such a fun board surfing small waves and you can also go for a downwinder (it's a Bullet...) or do some flatwater paddling. It won't win you flatwater races, since it's intended to be an ocean board that can do everything, but you'll have the time of your life with it.

QLD, 1344 posts
15 Jan 2016 7:24AM
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Lahui kai 12"6 race board.
Theres been a few vids over the time from a guy on the GC that surfs the lahui kai 12"6 unreal.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 Jan 2016 9:13AM
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Be careful.
Most 12.6 race boards are so flat these days.
The old sic 12.6 is a good surfer

NSW, 73 posts
15 Jan 2016 10:36AM
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laceys lane said..
Be careful.
Most 12.6 race boards are so flat these days.
The old sic 12.6 is a good surfer

What year would the old 12.6 be?

Im not going to be buying a new board, which is a good thing i guess in regards to being too flat.

VIC, 94 posts
15 Jan 2016 11:32AM
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Hobie 12'4 x 30" venture series should meet your brief. A genuine all rounder

VIC, 2869 posts
15 Jan 2016 11:48AM
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Helmy surfing the new SIC 12'6".
Lacey, what is the difference between this and the old board? They look pretty similar.

256 posts
15 Jan 2016 10:50AM
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The Bullets are not regarded highly for surfing. Try the JL M-12'6", the Bark Excursion 12' and maybe the Sunova Search 12'6". Not really much feedback on how surfable the Sunova really is, but it sure looks like it would surf well. It might go back on my wanted 'list'.

NSW, 115 posts
15 Jan 2016 4:58PM
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My next 12'6 is going to be the Blue Planet Bump Surfer, I don't think I'll ever race in a BOP style event but I do enjoy surfing race boards and the 12'6 Bump Surfer looks like it would be a real fun board to surf.

Like Lacey said most 12'6 boards are pretty flat these days, but take a look at the rocker profile of the Bump Surfer in this vid that rob put up on their YouTube channel a few days ago and tell me it doesn't look like it I'd be a fun board to surf.

1508 posts
15 Jan 2016 4:26PM
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If you can get hold of one, a used PSH 12ft Gun would so what you want. You could probably race it too in the surfboard class (if your local races have one), if racing floats your boat. A classic board.

The Bark Excursion looks interesting. I don't suppose it would surf as well as the PSH Gun, but could anyone tell me how it might compare for downwinding and general distance paddling? I don't have the opportunity to try one - or even see it.

VIC, 611 posts
16 Jan 2016 3:36AM
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12ft psh

256 posts
16 Jan 2016 12:49AM
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My next 12'6 is going to be the Blue Planet Bump Surfer...

Forgot about this one, it's suppose to be really good.

QLD, 35 posts
16 Jan 2016 4:48PM
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I get out about 5 days a week, and when it is too small or too full for the surf sup, I take my 2013 Fanatic Falcon (12'6" x 27") out and generally have a blast. So easy to paddle onto any sort of bump or swell up to shoulder high. Great allrounder for BOP's and flatwater paddling as well. You should be able to pick one of these gems up for a reasonable price. They are also very robust.

1111 posts
16 Jan 2016 3:42PM
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I take my JL M14 out surfing on small waves.....the 12 6 would be even better.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
16 Jan 2016 9:32PM
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Nozza said..
Helmy surfing the new SIC 12'6".
Lacey, what is the difference between this and the old board? They look pretty similar.

I got that board exited to surf on it but was disappointed to be honest. the new one is wider and has far less rocker making it by nature a poorer surfing board. im not even sure its any faster with its flatter rocker

the early bullet 12.6 is a ripper surfing board. you could drop down into waves properly . not stand on the tail like you have to on most 12'6 theses days

NSW, 282 posts
17 Jan 2016 5:52AM
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Classic old boards those psh 12 6 had a real rhino chaser look about them

256 posts
18 Jan 2016 12:21AM
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mrsdc78 said..
My main focus is that it surfs well though...

Clearly, disagreement on what constitutes "surfs well". None of the race boards plus the newer Bullets "surf well". Doable, yes; fun, maybe; well, no.

NSW, 1612 posts
Site Sponsor
18 Jan 2016 4:35AM
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I'm pretty sure the original 12'6"Bullet Lacey is referring to was actually the original X12 before the x12 changed into a flatwater board.
The current Bullet 12'6" is the only version made as far as i know.
Yes the original was a better surfer but the bullet is still a great board for the waves I've surfed it in.
In the wood construction they're good value and also super strong.

264 posts
18 Jan 2016 7:35AM
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Caught a few ones last Friday on my Bullet 14 V2

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
18 Jan 2016 5:23PM
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I'm pretty sure the original 12'6"Bullet Lacey is referring to was actually the original X12 before the x12 changed into a flatwater board.
The current Bullet 12'6" is the only version made as far as i know.
Yes the original was a better surfer but the bullet is still a great board for the waves I've surfed it in.
In the wood construction they're good value and also super strong.

nar, but yeah that its good to.

im talking about the board nozza has in his sic thread.

difference deco and everything. narrower and more rocker then the newer versions.

as I said there are a few carbon versions around.rare tho

I told a girl who has one who paddles with our group if she ever sells let me know

QLD, 1363 posts
18 Jan 2016 5:50PM
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If its strictly for surfing and strictly 12'6" I'd say the PSH 12'6" Hull Paddler

VIC, 2869 posts
18 Jan 2016 8:41PM
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laceys lane said..


I'm pretty sure the original 12'6"Bullet Lacey is referring to was actually the original X12 before the x12 changed into a flatwater board.
The current Bullet 12'6" is the only version made as far as i know.
Yes the original was a better surfer but the bullet is still a great board for the waves I've surfed it in.
In the wood construction they're good value and also super strong.

nar, but yeah that its good to.

im talking about the board nozza has in his sic thread.

difference deco and everything. narrower and more rocker then the newer versions.

as I said there are a few carbon versions around.rare tho

I told a girl who has one who paddles with our group if she ever sells let me know

Could you send me her contact details?
"$100 more than Lacey will pay......"
By the way, I'm really pleased with that shot - was really worried the two big ones were going to go over backwards.
Couldn't get far enough away to get a full square on shot
Helmy (or allegedly his wife) has a current model 12'6" Bullet. I'll do a measure and compare sometime.

NSW, 73 posts
18 Jan 2016 9:29PM
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All good suggestions guys. I've had the psh 12' and 12'6" on my wish list for years now, they don't really come up for sale that often though. The Atlantis venom mightn't be a bad substitute. The price is definintely appealing, especially considering it's a carbon board. The only thing turning me off the venom is it looks like it's got quiete a lot of rocker going on compared to the PSH options. I think when I started this thread I was thinking more along the lines of a raceboard type shape. Ultimately though, I think I would like both a race board and a surfing shape to use depending on conditions and mood.

VIC, 1174 posts
18 Jan 2016 11:34PM
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Lahui Kai SUPAtx 12' 6" ft Manta Reasonably Cheap, great quality and I believe owned by Mick Di Betta on the Goldy, worth inquiring about but very surfable. They used to have a package deal with a Carbon paddle available for just a couple of hundred over a grand. You can only check.

2680 posts
18 Jan 2016 8:47PM
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I have a blast on my classic 12'6 x 30 Starboard Cruiser (2007)
It paddles well, stable as.... and surfs nicely in the right conditions.
and cheap.

VIC, 611 posts
19 Jan 2016 4:45AM
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There was a video posted about a year ago of a guy absolutely ripping in the surf on a yellow (Naish?) downwinder type board. Anyone got the link to that clip?

2680 posts
19 Jan 2016 3:38AM
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robdog... that video of you on the PSH was the one that got me looking for a 12 footer to play with.

I really want to try the 12' Sunova Search when they hit the States

NSW, 73 posts
19 Jan 2016 7:11AM
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supthecreek said...
robdog... that video of you on the PSH was the one that got me looking for a 12 footer to play with.

I really want to try the 12' Sunova Search when they hit the States

The search 12' looks like about the best new option around in the surfing shapes ATM. Flatter rocker than the venom 12' and probably just as light or lighter.

VIC, 611 posts
19 Jan 2016 7:25PM
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that's a mate "The feeze" on the 12 ft PSH.
The other vid is of Casso.
The feeze loves the 12ftr and rips on it from 1-12ft surf.
Enjoy reading your posts.

QLD, 155 posts
20 Jan 2016 8:03AM
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Hands down the 12'6 Lahui Kai Manta is the best board I have used or seen both for cracking waves and also racing in through the surf when there is a reasonable wave on. Have always performed well under Kelly and Lincoln's feet at Aussies & The BOP amongst all the other great paddlers. Recommend you touch base with Mick and see what might be floating around second hand.

I also think those 12'6 PSH boards with a surf shape also look great although there don't appear to be many of them around and they probably don't race so well through the surf or in the flat which may not be an issue for you.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"Which 12'6" for surfing?" started by Scottydc