Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews


Created by marien > 9 months ago, 25 Mar 2022
10 posts
25 Mar 2022 10:59PM
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I ride now the infinity blurr 7.8 79l it is top in glassy conditions but most of the times its little choppy so it is to hard for me ride comfortable.
Before the Blurr i had an B line 7.11 86l and that was perfect in all conditions i gone change it again in back an B line 7.11 or an B line 7.7.
Had someone compare the B line 7.11 and B line 7.7. Is the stability of the B line 7.7 between the B line 7.11 and the Blurr 7.8.

279 posts
25 Mar 2022 11:28PM
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I was looking at these same boards you must be a fellow lightweight, according to reviews by supnorte there isn't much if any difference in stability between the small bline and blur. I don't have link to post but if you search you might find it.

For the smaller boards in choppy or difficult conditions I have to be very active with the paddle and sit on the board to rest between sets. Its a real test of mental focus and fitness for sure. If you want to be comfortable I think there is no way other than a more stable board. I think if you can find stability with the 7'11 you should be pretty happy with that, my stability board is an 8'4 but its pretty nice in the bigger stuff.

430 posts
26 Mar 2022 11:05AM
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I would contact Infinity- they didn't respond to email for me, but I called and was able to talk to Dave Boehne, very friendly and helpful.

The Bline outline looks way more stable than Blurr V2, is it the increased rocker that makes it similarly tippy?

Have you considered RNB, seems good option if you want to stay short but add stability.

10 posts
27 Mar 2022 5:01AM
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slsurf said..
I was looking at these same boards you must be a fellow lightweight, according to reviews by supnorte there isn't much if any difference in stability between the small bline and blur. I don't have link to post but if you search you might find it.

For the smaller boards in choppy or difficult conditions I have to be very active with the paddle and sit on the board to rest between sets. Its a real test of mental focus and fitness for sure. If you want to be comfortable I think there is no way other than a more stable board. I think if you can find stability with the 7'11 you should be pretty happy with that, my stability board is an 8'4 but its pretty nice in the bigger stuff.

thanks. I have found the review. My weight is 69kg

10 posts
27 Mar 2022 5:02AM
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Kisutch said..
I would contact Infinity- they didn't respond to email for me, but I called and was able to talk to Dave Boehne, very friendly and helpful.

The Bline outline looks way more stable than Blurr V2, is it the increased rocker that makes it similarly tippy?

Have you considered RNB, seems good option if you want to stay short but add stability.

The RNB looks less performance.

5164 posts
27 Mar 2022 1:07PM
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I haven't tried the Infinity, but maybe you could go with a custom Blurr, if possible, with same volume but a bit more width and less thickness. It should help with stability without compromising performance, since you will decrease a bit the rail volume.

Having a quiver of the same shape but in different dimensions can be nice as you do not to adapt to each board.

10 posts
27 Mar 2022 7:41PM
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colas said..
I haven't tried the Infinity, but maybe you could go with a custom Blurr, if possible, with same volume but a bit more width and less thickness. It should help with stability without compromising performance, since you will decrease a bit the rail volume.

Having a quiver of the same shape but in different dimensions can be nice as you do not to adapt to each board.

Thanks. I don,t no they shipping customs to Europe.
The 79l volume and the lenght is good. The width is the problem I think. the BlurrV2 7.8 is 25.5 inch more like thea lley and the B line 7.7 has a wider tail and nose and is 26 inch maybe it helps a little for more comfort.

279 posts
28 Mar 2022 12:46AM
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Another board I looked at is gong karmen 7'3. Nose is wide enough its probably not much different than blur 7'8 5'' back. I couldn't get in US but you are in europe. Width and surface area should be more stable.

5164 posts
28 Mar 2022 12:15PM
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The Karmen will be stabler than a pure "performance" shape like the Alley and I guess the Blurr. Because of its wider tips, flatter rocker, and volume more spread out towards the rails and thus a flatter deck.

This said, I agree with slsurf (post #2), the difference between the Karmen and Alley in stability is not day and night. SUPing in chop is still tiring and is anyways a compromise: the wider the board the stabler, but the more it will bounce on chop while riding.

But, we are all different.

I ended up reselling my Karmens because my board for glassy conditions being the Alley 105L (7'8"), switching to the Karmen 105L (7'11") was not bringing me as much comfort (measured on the duration of a session before making mistakes from being tired: 1 hour on 105L, 2 hours on 120L) as just going to a bigger 120L Alley (8'1"). And I preferred (personal taste) the riding feel of the Alley.
For you this would mean a quiver of your Blurr 79L plus a Blurr 90L

But I do not compete. I know competitors will chose the opposite: to have a Karmen + an Alley of similar volume (or I guess a Blurr + B-Line). They need max performance for just 30 minutes, and they ride smaller (thus narrower) boards, they are younger, that changes their personal equation. Also other people will want two different shapes to vary the feelings rather than the same shape in 2 sizes.

430 posts
29 Mar 2022 12:36AM
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marien said..

Kisutch said..
I would contact Infinity- they didn't respond to email for me, but I called and was able to talk to Dave Boehne, very friendly and helpful.

The Bline outline looks way more stable than Blurr V2, is it the increased rocker that makes it similarly tippy?

Have you considered RNB, seems good option if you want to stay short but add stability.

The RNB looks less performance.

I've never tried RNB, but I was surprised listening to Dave Boehne on Paddlewoo podcast - if I remember right he said that when he went to Indonesia he brought 2 RNB's and 1 Blurr; when I was asking him about Blurr V2 he emphasized that people call the RNB a fish shape but it's much more versatile.



Forums > Stand Up Paddle   Board Talk & Reviews

"sup" started by marien