Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

A little surf by the blocos

Created by surfinJ > 9 months ago, 7 May 2015
674 posts
7 May 2015 8:14AM
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The end of WWII found the beaches through here littered with bunkers of the german coastal defenses.
Since the most have disappeared below the sand, some holding nice banks. A few are still visible.

The board is six years old and going strong. 9x28

674 posts
7 May 2015 8:15AM
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VIC, 2131 posts
7 May 2015 3:48PM
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How are your fins after that last ride?

Looked like a fun session!

What was the GoPro mount at 1:45 - that was certainly a new perspective!

674 posts
7 May 2015 6:41PM
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The fins made it as the board and me just flopped back onto the closed out whitewater.

That "new" gopro view was done accidentally as I had the mouth mount hanging behind me from the wetsuit zip pull.
You can see the shadow of the little bugger still at work even though I'd forgotten about him.

2680 posts
7 May 2015 7:51PM
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ha ha... J that worked out pretty well.....I thought you got one of those mini personal drones

Too bad about the crowds..... but the waves looked like fun.

674 posts
7 May 2015 8:25PM
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Funny huh, I was surprised to find the footage later on the computer. Almost artificial intelligence, though maybe a bit drunk.
And he caught a bit too much butt crack

The crowd was not a factor, that's the beauty of standup. Though the preferred peak on the inside was full, the proners
were shunning the outside mushbuger which turned out to be fun.

Later when I ventured to the inside the proners commented on the fun I'd been having.

1566 posts
8 May 2015 2:15AM
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Hi Jay, good session at the" Casernes", isn't it . i think it's naked beach over there, so this new Gopro view make me think to attach mine at my balls next time in that place , there will no naturist to mind it


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"A little surf by the blocos" started by surfinJ