If your ever wondering how to unlock the full potential of the Sunova Speed, check out these pics of a local ripper demoing the 7'3 this week.
Stomp, stomp, stomp on that tail pad!
Pics: Jasmine Fluhrer
Nice photos!
The pad is not far away on a 7'3", but he is really ripping. Was he prone on the way out?
Man, on a 7'3 I'd be more likely to step right off the back of the board. Better make sure that tail block is extra tall.
Yeah Marty rips!
7'3 is too small for him but it was the closest we had that suited and credit to him - he rode it for 3 or 4 days.
'I'm hurting all over' he said with a big grin on his face!
Bert is quite the genius. Never thought a negative volume board would be a viable option. Dropping 9"length, 2" width and 12L volume was fairly drastic. At this size the speed is a challenge getting around in choppy conditions but the pay off on the wave is well worth the fatigue. Watching others on larger volume Speeds the look really at ease with plenty of performance on tap.
Fun indeed.
Ive been "re-learning" last 2 months as i am on the 7'11 Speeed. 94l (im 80kg)
mates at local recon i look like a "cat on a tin roof", but i feel im getting better.
agree with all of above. if its not too choppy, or water moving or in our case at local reef break the water is bubbling round reef holes you can stand ok but you fatigue so quick. back leg burns so bad at the quad. i do some sort of leg and upper body training near every day but still fade out after a solid hour on the speeed, i can stretch out to 2-3hrs if waves are good and i sit down between.
Things i found with these narrow boards are:
-you cant paddle on knees, but rightly so as you should not if you are a real surfer. only kooks paddle on their knees. prone paddle
-getting up is a new skill to master on narrow boards. i do like funsurfn says, go from seated to upright via hands in pushup position, kicking rear leg around and under and front leg up in squat position. from there got to get up quick and get a stroke in or paddle in. got to keep nose up and climb out of water, nose down and its near over. getting way faster now, can get up and with about 3-4 strokes can be around and onto a wave. get ur front foot on stringer and rear foot back so semi surf stance (like colas says) and like funsurfn says they come around super quick and get gliding.
-the wide nose allows you to paddle onto a wave so efficiently, these things glide unreal especially for the size. better than any of my older larger boards with way more volume.
- feel of the speeed is between a high performance long board and a short board. when i say this i mean you can ride it like a long board and do some real nice drawn out turns to cut backs and feels nice in control, or you can race sections in middle of board and boy she can boogie, or you can get back and really drive the tail around like the pictures and movie of funsurfn does. I think this board still suits a reef break be it slow n sectioney or fast and hollow. have surfed it in long mellow reefs where you can move between middle of board to generate speed either on flatter sections or wall ups where you need to make it, then get back and nail some hacks. have also surfed some super hollow "you gotta make this or ur gonna get shredded on the table" waves and the speed belts thru and loves it. forehand or backhand feels real nice. hats off to Bert.
doesnt feel right for a beach break, tho have not found a board that does yet. maybe a hypernut or somethig super short would feel better but all sups at our local beacheys just feel cumbersome. i move to my shortboard if i surf those breaks. they are generally just drop in and get 1 hit so nothing missed or special anyhow.
still plenty of "angry" times when i kook it and fall getting up and miss a wave or fall on a chop spinning around, but then realise it is back on me as i have not moved my front foot to stringer and dug rail in, or not got my feet in right position, or fumbled with paddle to get that first stroke in.
challenges and preciseness, its what i like. otherwise id just buy a 10 foot soul and catch every wave and pee everyone off. (still contemplating one for fun days...)
A couple more from same session. Got rid of the gumby hat and steamer today and the reduced weight albeit small made paddling around and standing out the back a fair bit kinder.
Marty, you were all over it like a bad case of herpes on Monday. Every time I looked up you were laying back in the pocket like a man possessed. Riiiping on that Speeed.
Heya Marty, 7'10 (longer, pointed nose), 83.5 litres. A little too big in retrospect. I have been riding an Acid at 78 litres and I could go down to 74 comfortably I think.