Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Anyone else like riding the chop??

Created by LavaRider > 9 months ago, 5 Jul 2023
13 posts
5 Jul 2023 5:35AM
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I don't know..on days when the waves are sort of crappy on my beach break and the wind is up a bit. I still find it fun to be out of there practicing my balance and maybe, just maybe, getting one wave.

Would I prefer some clean surf.ahhh yeah. But will still take the board out and wind-blown mush and come out of the wash with a smile on my face.
Surprised that no one else is out there with me on those very marginal days.or Is it that I'm just addicted?
Do you choose not to go out on crappy days when you know it will be marginal at best?

5135 posts
5 Jul 2023 2:17PM
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LavaRider said..
Do you choose not to go out on crappy days when you know it will be marginal at best?

I wont get out when I know a session will bring me more frustration than fun.

This means I don't go out in chop except is when it is hot and sunny, and nobody out.
Or when I have been starved for waves.
Or on a trip with nothing else to do.
Or ... when I have a new board to try :-)

WA, 7436 posts
5 Jul 2023 3:31PM
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colas said..

LavaRider said..
Do you choose not to go out on crappy days when you know it will be marginal at best?

I wont get out when I know a session will bring me more frustration than fun.

This means I don't go out in chop except is when it is hot and sunny, and nobody out.
Or when I have been starved for waves.
Or on a trip with nothing else to do.
Or ... when I have a new board to try :-)

Yep totally agree. Good conditions make it much more enjoyable

QLD, 616 posts
5 Jul 2023 5:52PM
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No..... I hate chop

WA, 47 posts
5 Jul 2023 7:00PM
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colas said..

LavaRider said..
Do you choose not to go out on crappy days when you know it will be marginal at best?

I wont get out when I know a session will bring me more frustration than fun.

This means I don't go out in chop except is when it is hot and sunny, and nobody out.
Or when I have been starved for waves.
Or on a trip with nothing else to do.
Or ... when I have a new board to try :-)


5084 posts
6 Jul 2023 7:09AM
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We would all be liars if we said we haven't been out in crap before ,but I prefer not to ,but when you
have weeks on end of this weather and going out in crap is better than nothing and just the feeling of
getting pushed by a wave is always addictive ,I have a 12 Sunova search I will take out ,it's always provided
some fun ,SUP is fun and if a choppy day can put a smile on the dial I say go for it ,beats sitting on the beach .

21 posts
6 Jul 2023 9:04AM
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Start surfing on South Australia's mid coast and you will learn to appreciate any slop, sure plenty of other places similar.

VIC, 1696 posts
6 Jul 2023 2:53PM
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Going out in mess makes you not only appreciate
the clean days but I believe a better surfer

VIC, 1377 posts
6 Jul 2023 8:34PM
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If you always wait for perfect conditions you would rarely get to have a Surf, chop is not fun but it is a good challenge and the waves break differently so when it is good it is so much more enjoyable. Certainly gets you fitter too paddling against the wind.

270 posts
7 Jul 2023 2:31AM
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I made the drive, the swell is up at the point but ugh choppy, I'll go out anyway just to get a paddle in and catch a few. A choppy beachbreak, no thanks I'd rather do almost anything else. Perfect waves usually mean crowds of surfers so I don't mind worse waves with less people but you have to draw the line somewhere.

VIC, 5033 posts
7 Jul 2023 10:28AM
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Chop is fine if there's nothing else to ride, as long as you're not getting munched by lots of foam.

At some beaches mushburgers can reform into perfectly nice waves. Catching a million bits of mush on a nice day beats sitting out the back for hours waiting for a close out set wave.

Of course if the mush is windblown then you could add a kite or a wing and/or a foil ...

NSW, 48 posts
7 Jul 2023 10:55AM
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Agree! Part of the beauty of SUPing is that you can have a good skills session even when it is crap! When I get home from work and need some exercise, I sometimes ask myself, 'would i rather go for a bike ride, or go out?' and it has to be really bad not to choose to go out.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Anyone else like riding the chop??" started by LavaRider