Forums > Stand Up Paddle General


Created by kourgen > 9 months ago, 11 Aug 2011
NSW, 19 posts
11 Aug 2011 6:15AM
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I remember several years ago being in a doctors surgery after having a severe asthma attack the night before. The doctor suggested that i should also incorperate rowing into my training to help with my asthma problem.
Well here i am many years later and have just recently noticed that since i have been supping surfing/flat water paddling that my asthma symptoms have been reduced to a fraction of what they use to be . I am also only talking a small amout of preventivie medication as to compared as to what i used to take.
I have been surfing doing laps in the pool and a bit of cross training for over 20 years , the only thing ive been doing different in the last 12 months or so is sup.
It seems like the old doctor was right. It would be great to hear from fellow asthmatics to see if sup has helped them. cheers

4627 posts
11 Aug 2011 4:52AM
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Looks like a few others had attacks after your last post, mac was abit out of breath the other night.

WA, 24860 posts
11 Aug 2011 5:40AM
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towball said...

Looks like a few others had attacks after your last post, mac was abit out of breath the other night.

haha,comments like longboarders talking crap are always going to fire me up TB.

4627 posts
11 Aug 2011 5:58AM
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Lol good morning mac

WA, 24860 posts
11 Aug 2011 6:02AM
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4214 posts
11 Aug 2011 9:20AM
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kourgen said...

I remember several years ago being in a doctors surgery after having a severe asthma attack the night before. The doctor suggested that i should also incorperate rowing into my training to help with my asthma problem.
Well here i am many years later and have just recently noticed that since i have been supping surfing/flat water paddling that my asthma symptoms have been reduced to a fraction of what they use to be . I am also only talking a small amout of preventivie medication as to compared as to what i used to take.
I have been surfing doing laps in the pool and a bit of cross training for over 20 years , the only thing ive been doing different in the last 12 months or so is sup.
It seems like the old doctor was right. It would be great to hear from fellow asthmatics to see if sup has helped them. cheers

My Mum had asthma most of her life. It was hard to see her on the nebilizer often to get her breath back. She was in and out of hospital with attacks regularly.Doctors told her in 1995 to get out of Sydney due to air pollution or she will not live much longer. She moved to the Sunshine Coast and has been in good health since due to the cleaner air. The move has extended her life without doubt.

Good to hear your health is better due to SUPing. It's a great sport.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Asthma" started by kourgen