Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Boogie Mayhem

Created by GizzieNZ > 9 months ago, 21 Nov 2011
4103 posts
21 Nov 2011 4:04PM
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Was gonna post this in the bodyboard forum...but there isn't boogie boarding on the decline? Don't see many out in these parts

QLD, 389 posts
21 Nov 2011 6:23PM
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Classic stuff Gizzie. Love a heavy shore dump for body bashing.

4627 posts
21 Nov 2011 4:35PM
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Put it in the longboard forum gizzie it'll go down a treat .There just burning lacey at the steak

WA, 410 posts
21 Nov 2011 4:40PM
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love the bit at 39s. he knows he's going to get smashed, so he looks at the camera and smiles.

10980 posts
21 Nov 2011 5:47PM
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Funny stuff, maybe they declined because the pro's released song like this

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
21 Nov 2011 8:20PM
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towball said...

Put it in the longboard forum gizzie it'll go down a treat .There just burning lacey at the steak

don't worry about me, i can handle that lot of cream puffs blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back

ps. they are fun loving bunch of misfits

NSW, 192 posts
21 Nov 2011 9:44PM
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SP said...

Funny stuff, maybe they declined because the pro's released song like this

my god, that happened??
you won't see that at maroubra these days..... god that was awful..

QLD, 251 posts
21 Nov 2011 9:03PM
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the guy singing is brett young, he was the warick capper of the boogie world. "ripping the pit" was definitely responsible for my transition from gutsliding to stand up surfing. awesome!!!!

4103 posts
22 Nov 2011 4:13PM
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Will have to take your word for the music/singing stuff (no sound on your link & then went to youtube & looked at both of their links & also no sound)
Loved the fluoro wetsuits though...very "Miami Vice"

4103 posts
22 Nov 2011 4:16PM
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Can be dodgy internet reception around here though......spent about two years looking at the top half of DJs photos lol

1145 posts
22 Nov 2011 4:25PM
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what no sup

10980 posts
22 Nov 2011 4:33PM
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shimmyshazbo said...

the guy singing is brett young, he was the warick capper of the boogie world. "ripping the pit" was definitely responsible for my transition from gutsliding to stand up surfing. awesome!!!!

Mate, i'm sure your not the only one who stood up after seeing it. & Correct it was Brett Young, interesting fact is he became huge in Japan, bought a really fast sports car and wrapped it around a pole and ended not only his singing career but life.

& Giz. Your missing so much without the sound, the song is terrifically horrible in itself

Comp for the reformed mat riders , Can anyone name anyone else in the clip?

NSW, 192 posts
22 Nov 2011 8:28PM
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Select to expand quote

Comp for the reformed mat riders , Can anyone name anyone else in the clip?

there is really quick shot of one the fellas that i went to school with, Wesley Freier.
I know he doesn't read this so I have no worries in "outting" him
I don't know any other esky lids of note....

QLD, 251 posts
22 Nov 2011 7:36PM
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matt riley, nugget purcell.....

4214 posts
23 Nov 2011 12:31PM
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Strike me pink. That was terrible.
Surely they could have performed that low act at neighbouring Coogee Beach.
I reckon that was filmed around 1990 as the pavilion has the original paintwork (built in 85). Maroubra has been popular over the years for film clips. Here's one with Nicole Kidman. Singer is Pat Wilson who is wife of Ross Wilson (think Daddy Cool) who makes a cameo. Ross filmed 'Come said the Boy" film clip at Maroubra when he was with Mondo Rock. Not sure what the Wilson's connection was with maroubra ?

4214 posts
23 Nov 2011 12:41PM
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and here's Ross. if you are local you will appreciate the footage of the old wooden pavilion (before it burnt down). It's an 80's classic.

WA, 15849 posts
23 Nov 2011 1:01PM
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laceys lane said...

towball said...

Put it in the longboard forum gizzie it'll go down a treat .There just burning lacey at the steak

don't worry about me, i can handle that lot of cream puffs blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back

ps. they are fun loving bunch of misfits

When this happens can I video it

4627 posts
23 Nov 2011 2:09PM
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Misfits doggie lol

doggie said...

laceys lane said...

towball said...

Put it in the longboard forum gizzie it'll go down a treat .There just burning lacey at the steak

don't worry about me, i can handle that lot of cream puffs blindfolded with one arm tied behind my back

ps. they are fun loving bunch of misfits

When this happens can I video it


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Boogie Mayhem" started by GizzieNZ