I bought my Solite Custom Pro 3mm booties at the end of September and really enjoyed them, until the grippy material became smooth on both of them in the front and rear at the beginning of March.
I am not specifically blaming the booties, since I sup'd or sup surfed in them nearly every day, except for 10 or so days when I had to use 5mm booties due to the really cold air temps.
My average daily session is around 1.5 hours, so taking all of that into account, if one was surfing, then I can see how they would last multiple seasons / years. But I hardly ever sit down, so I am on my feet for around 90% of a session.
Are there any booties that can survive the abuse of SUP surfing, or is there a way to make them grippy again?
Seb ,I only surf over reef,so I only get 1 season out of mine ,that has been consistent over the last 5 years,I might try the resole thing though ,that you suggested
Back when I wore booties I would go thru 2 pairs a year, and barely squeak a year out of a wetsuit. Thats pretty typical for someone in the water a lot in my opinion, you should just accept these are a wear item and find the cheapest option that works. I preferred xcel.
I no longer wear booties, I think they are terrible for sup and cause a lot of foot strain and balance issues. I also stopped wearing them for windsurf but only due to risk of injury. I did like them for surfing and there are some days and places where you have no choice due to extreme cold or extra sharp tropical or lava reef walking.
I didn't realise this was a problem until I bought some new new booties and the grip was so much better, I just thought it was a better brand, then looked at my old ones and realised they had worn smooth.
Note that the best grip I had with boots is with the Wetty, which have a totally slick sole... but in pure latex.
They may not be the most durable, but a good grip can be achieved with a slick sole.
Also they are so supple that they are as easy to remove as socks, hyper cool with numb fingers after winter sessions.
And Noel Salas was really impressed with them:
Phew thats cold, below 10 I'd probably be in booties also. Sometimes I strap sandals to my waist for rocky environments without booties if I have to walk a long way.
A simple solution that works well. Grab some superglue. Apply dots or lines wherever sole is smooth then a generous sprinkle of sand. Leave till glue is fully dry - needless to say.
I tried Wetties and they don,t last that longer as Atan.
They are bassicly an neoprene sock dipped in latex. Wetties ads an layer of kevlar, but as you are standing on neoprene you simply wear them out from the inside before the surface is gone.
I spend a lot of time in the water as well and live in the Netherlands-Northern Europe so from nov till now we need an hooded suit etc.2 sets of winterboots a year is quite normal for me as well. I always have 2 suits per season so I can grab always a dry one and only my summersuits last longer as 2 years. As SLsurf wrote: its wear and tear gear and if you use it that frequent it won,t last.....but you will have heaps of fun being so much in the water .
I have had these low cost reef shoes for many years.
Neo Sport
Surf and paddle with them
They never fall off and don't have velcro straps..... keep me warm in the shoulder seasons.
Probably don't make them anymore, so you can't have mine!
Super grippy, even on new boards with no wax or pad
Is the actual grip less, or is it just the texture that's worn off?
I use my booties for years and years. The texture wears off but the grip is fine.
I used the Solite as well as you can heat molt them, in other booties, Vissla, Xcel, O'Neill that I've tried my feet were a bit sliding out. Never used those Wetties, could give it a try, Most of the time after 1 season my boots are used and I need to replace them, but I'm always too stubborn so I keep wearing them for a second season and then I replace them, same with gloves to be honest.