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FCS box - stripped thread - ideas on fixing

Created by mybrosweeper > 9 months ago, 30 Aug 2015
NSW, 1016 posts
30 Aug 2015 3:11PM
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Homies, heavy handed boofhead me has stripped out the threads in one of my starby boxes. You thoughts and ideas would be great-fully appreciated,

WA, 2355 posts
30 Aug 2015 2:41PM
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Fill it with some putty and re drill a pilot hole then screw the fcs screws in. If you have ever seen a brand spanker, the fcs boxes don't have a thread but a pilot hole. The screws are like self-tappers and make the thread as you screw them in, so it's actually pretty easy to stuff the angle if you aren't careful.

Conversely, if there is room, just drill a pilot hole next door to the existing one then screw the fcs screws in. I wouldn't think it's that important to hit the exact spot on the fin.

And my old uncle once told an 18 year old me 26 years ago, "tight is tight". No need for that extra eighth of a turn.

QLD, 459 posts
30 Aug 2015 5:59PM
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mybrosweeper said...
Homies, heavy handed boofhead me has stripped out the threads in one of my starby boxes. You thoughts and ideas would be great-fully appreciated,

I did the same in my jp, try and get the longer screws if you can as they will pick up more thread, my Jp only picked up bottom 2 or 3... Size is 3/16 UNC.... Or fill up with 2 part liquid metal filler, re drill and tap new thread into hole.... It sounds tricky but is quite easy if you are used to working with drills and taps, good luck

NSW, 1016 posts
30 Aug 2015 6:06PM
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cheers drip. legendary advice man. I was thinking of sticking a red hot bit of steel in the stripped hole to get it ready for dripping some melted nylon down into the stripped thread and sending the grub screw down soon after to re-thread it.

NSW, 2465 posts
30 Aug 2015 6:23PM
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Just a thought, get the next size up grub screw, it should just re cut its own thread at the correct angle.

5121 posts
30 Aug 2015 4:41PM
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The easiest and simplest solution:
find grub screws that are wider, BUT which use the same key!

Gong sell some but of course you may find some locally

I have repaired some holes by:
- roughing the hole by making small lengthwise grooves to avoid the filler rotating with the screw
- filling with a very hard material: epoxy resin with a lot of microspheres for me, but metal fillers should work
- waiting for complete cure (many days, gentle heat helps)
- drill & tap
By the wider screws are just so convenient. Buy them in advance and keep spares in the car!

NSW, 1016 posts
31 Aug 2015 8:03AM
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thanks all for your input

VIC, 17490 posts
31 Aug 2015 8:55AM
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Just a thought.. There are two sizes in these fin screws.. (FCS and Future ?)

I have two different size allen fin key sizes.. and if you're using the wrong one it wil slip and feel like it's stripped.

NSW, 1016 posts
31 Aug 2015 9:50AM
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Hey DJ, Thanks for your response. They are the standard issue grub screws that came with the board (Starboard wide point) presumably FCS. Im thinking of going with "Colas" idea of putting in the next size up grub screws if I can find them locally. Cheers Robbo


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"FCS box - stripped thread - ideas on fixing" started by mybrosweeper