Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Finally some wind

Created by foamballer > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2014
NSW, 406 posts
17 Feb 2014 10:01AM
Thumbs Up

Well we had 3 days of northerly wind predicted and I was starting to despair as the third day dawned with yet another onshore breeze, but then it turned around and the whitecaps started rolling! I love that sound the wind makes when it rumbles instead of rustles!

After weeks of nothing, we got 20-25 knots solid for the whole afternoon. Did my longest run yet: 12km and a follow up 6km run. Today, I don't think there is a part of me that doesn't hurt! I won't be paddling today. I need to get fitter.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Finally some wind" started by foamballer