Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Fins for Kalama in knee to shoulder high waves

Created by SDOndas > 9 months ago, 15 Mar 2023
17 posts
15 Mar 2023 5:51AM
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I'm ordering a 9'2" Kalama and wanted to ask the community about fins. I saw that many of you are using Quobbas for your Kalamas. Are you using a Left and Right medium in back or 2 center mediums in back? I know that might be a weird question but, someone had posted that 2 centers can be used for a McKee quad setup. Also, what fins do you use when waves are between knee and shoulder height?

5136 posts
15 Mar 2023 6:02PM
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Two centers will give you a smoother rail to rail.
Two sides will give you more hold to push hard with your back foot, at the expense of a bit more drag.

From the pics the rear boxes on the Kalama seem very close together, a McKee setup, so the difference in behavior between these two setups will be smaller. A two center setup would be more logical.

NSW, 399 posts
17 Mar 2023 5:06PM
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Hey SDO,
I have the Kalama 9'2 and 10' and run a Harley Ingleby thruster or quad set in both. For sure on the 10' I prefer the thruster set up.... quads just felt wrong.
For the 9'2, the thruster set up seems to have better maneuverability, while the quad set will generate more speed but feels a bit stiff when trying to turn. There are several of us in this area who have switched to the Kalamas and we are all running these fins.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Fins for Kalama in knee to shoulder high waves" started by SDOndas