Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Gone Fishing

Created by GizzieNZ > 9 months ago, 28 Nov 2015
4103 posts
28 Nov 2015 9:37AM
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Bugger all surf here the last couple of weeks....on the plus side ideal conditions to paddle out at the "big river" to try and catch a fish.
Made a video to keep progressing with my "video making education"
Nice bit of early morning glass before the wind got up (they said it would.....and a bit of a mission to paddle back)
Am using pool noodle segments as floats (you can wind the line around them) with a single hook and running sinker

1566 posts
28 Nov 2015 2:04PM
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The doggy ends up so perfectly this cool video
I love fishing and my cairn dog love fish too , I spend more money on rode&lures than SUP gears and but him doesn't .

4103 posts
28 Nov 2015 2:48PM
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my cairn terrier has bizarre tastes.......watermelon and raw fish.....just walked past some people in park and they had dropped some crayfish (lobster) bits on the ground.....they went "down the hatch" too

NSW, 7269 posts
28 Nov 2015 11:31PM
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I've only got surfing boards but saw a setup the other day with a box and rod holder that can be strapped onto the board . I think I'll get one of these to use down at a river near my place . I only ever fish with soft plastics so don't have to mess around with bait . Good clip . Enjoyed that

4103 posts
29 Nov 2015 7:40AM
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Bic Wing pretty useless as a surf weapon........has got lots of tie down points on front of board for tying down a crate though.
And is okay for what it was designed for.....flat water and coastal cruiser

QLD, 209 posts
30 Nov 2015 1:08PM
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smh, maybe you're after a set up like mine



Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Gone Fishing" started by GizzieNZ