Sparrow fart session in Western Port this morning - summers here!! Glassy and fun... And a bunch of guys I'd never seen before but seemed to be having even more fun than we do!
Nice waves and great shots. I was out there this arvo - still some swell but much windier. I should have gone out for the morning session...
At this time of year, the clear nights and light winds will give you lower temperatures over the land than the sea, giving a sunrise landbreeze (opposite of seabreeze) and hence offshore. But only if the synoptic wind is very light... We had that this morning. On the water at 6am.
Just use a little handheld panasonic waterproof digital camera - several years old. put the wrist strap on and tuck it up the arm of my wetty most of the time, whip it out if I'm sitting down when i need a breather, and take a few shots.