I have had good luck with the less expensive versions.
You get more pieces and they stay down... but more air bubbles, so you have to apply them carefully and work them as clear as possible.
Only bad experiences:
- some were so harsh they removed your skin if you brushed your knuckles on them
(the middle pic looks to have the same texture)
- some were heavy
- some were not really transparent
- some had the top layer come off the base
Plus, buying the original rewards the actual innovator, and sustain him to design new quality products.
Yep. if you're short on cash, just wax the nose.
Hexa works so well - in the scheme of the costs of a wetty, board, paddle etc. another $70 or so is no big deal.
I say go for it as often it's the same stuff with Chinese cheapo
but let us know after somebody has to go first
I use this from Bunnings had no problems with it, can get different sizes also.
I gave this Bunnings stuff a go on my Foildrive board. Made a hexagon template and stuck about 6 or 7 on the front of my board where my left hand goes. Had a few sessions now over several weeks and happy to report all are still stuck down and the grip is quite ok. For $9 well worth a go.
I use this from Bunnings had no problems with it, can get different sizes also.
I gave this Bunnings stuff a go on my Foildrive board. Made a hexagon template and stuck about 6 or 7 on the front of my board where my left hand goes. Had a few sessions now over several weeks and happy to report all are still stuck down and the grip is quite ok. For $9 well worth a go.
Or just use croc grip spray $10 a can ,can do at least 2 longboard noses easy,I have been using it for 5 years and it is great stuff .????
For the cheapest solution, just wet the nose with epoxy resin, and sprinkle a (very) little bit of sugar.
This is what I was doing before hexatraction, and what was done on custom windsurfing boards.
Or come in for a pro job if ur in WA
sugardeck is not that easy to get correct and the only grit you can get commonly is too rough (boat stuff)
42 Daly St South Freo
Just a bit of practice is needed for sugar.
Do some experiment on cardboard pieces, it is easy.
Plus, if it is too rough, a light sanding fixes it perfectly,
^^^^ in some places it's very hard to get a non yellowing epoxy. In WA you only have a 6L kit at $300
so every amateur sugar deck I see is yellow and horrid. Usually with a lack of adhesion somewhere too
so not being rude but you can't say just put on a tiny bit of epoxy and sugar it up.
lots of prep, right epoxy, rolled very thin, caster sugar and maybe look ok
However I do agree it's the best way for normal folks IF they can get non yellowing epoxy .. as acrylic dust cannot be found in the correct grade and it's a harder process to get it to look decent.
so every amateur sugar deck I see is yellow and horrid.
To each his own... My only try of a commonly available spray grip once monster paint was banned in EU has been yellowing and horrid.
Applying a thin epoxy layer is super simple: Just wet your gloved fingers with it and brush the deck, pulling on it to the max. Less prep than with a spray bomb. I just ordered my UV-resistant epoxy online. This can also replace anti-UV varnishes over paint or a ding repair.
But I agree you must be smart enough to search for how much sugar to apply and/or practice beforehand. I am constantly astonished when people use glues or resins without reading the instructions...
Another technique used by Windsurfing board builders was tear-off cloth, but it is more involved.
Monsta traction was banned there? we could never get it.. Why was it banned
It was imported from the US, and some chemicals were/became either forbidden, or too complex for the monster importer to bother with.
I guess it is the same for OZ. Also, importing spray cans was probably not a profitable business as you already have a lot of well established paint brands in EU.
This is also the case for Rip Curl wetsuits, the ones made in Europe use different glues from the ones made outside Europe as their glues are too toxic (for the workers) and forbidden in EU.