Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Hey Lacey I need a Test Pilot

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 26 Jun 2011
QLD, 2035 posts
26 Jun 2011 1:17PM
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G'day Lacey
As Bill Collins is to Movies and Molly Meldrum is to music. Lacey is to SUP a critic.
I need you to test pilot a new prototype SUP its 12'6'' 6 1/2 thick by 27'' wide, 181 litres of foam.
I'm getting this 12'6'' SUP made for Namotu Island Fiji. It will be ready in about 2 weeks I go back to Fiji in 4 weeks.
If you're keen to come up to Nth Burleigh on a Monday , Wednesday or Friday at 6:00am before work.
It would be great to get your feed back Lacey. The board may go OK or like a heap of s##t.
Tuesdays and Thursdays I know you can't make it as you train at Currumbin Creek and I train at Bond Uni canal. How cold has it been, getting in the water at 5:00am and start training BULK cold ( Help Me Please Mr Wizard ).
I look forward to your reply.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Jun 2011 5:41PM
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are you serious

WA, 24860 posts
26 Jun 2011 3:48PM
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laceys lane said...

are you serious

your da man Laceyof course he is

QLD, 2035 posts
26 Jun 2011 5:50PM
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laceys lane said...

are you serious

G'day Lacey
Yes mate I'd like you PERSONALLY to Test Dive this Prototype 12'6'' as I know you would be honest in your opinion. And yet you and I have not event met yet and you live next door.
Hope to see you at Nth Burleigh for a test drive

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
26 Jun 2011 6:14PM
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well, this is a minor item and now is as good as time as any i suppose. dale and myself have mutually parted ways board wise for a bit- still friends.
i have two boards coming a 14' and 12'6. they are 'mantra'(dick van straalen designed and a shaped- the man is a legend craftsman) lahui kai's. the same board kelly won the excel race on. pretty different too. i will post photos when i get em

are you still keen?

12'6,s are funny boards to gauge. the best way is to train against other boards and see how it goes ie- am i keeping my place in the pack, going better or worse.

but then speed is only part of the deal with 'bop' boards, i'm guessing its a bopper.
how it handles- can you steer it from the middle, if you have to run to the tail to steer it- well the other guys are going to leave you behind if you have to do that. how it goes through waves, the backside off waves. of course surfing and lastly, but very important- does run, will it glide/run over gutters.

phil, i'm always up of a ride on new boards, if you are still keen let me know when its ready.maybe you, jen and myself have a training session all on 12'6,s swop around etc


QLD, 2035 posts
26 Jun 2011 6:51PM
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12'6. they are 'mantra'(dick van straalen designed and a shaped- the man is a legend craftsman) lahui kai's. the same board kelly won the excel race on. pretty different too. i will post photos when i get em

are you still keen?

G'day Lacey I'am bulk keen as all Beezers know I'm not into 12'6" ers I'm more into unlimited SUP boards my SIC f16 - f18 and the Bullet are built for speed I love ocean Downwind Paddling when its to windy for surfing. 12'6'' is new to me ( Help Me Please Mr Wizard ) as I'm not into it. I'm only doing it for the Fijians to give them a start at SUPing.
I gave the Fijians a SUP and Surfing Lesson ( bulk fun ) and yes the Fijians were Bulk stoked and learn Quickly.

QLD, 31 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:01PM
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Who is making it for you Phil, Can you send some photos of it being made etc..???
Looking forward to your next Movie of this trip.

VIC, 17513 posts
27 Jun 2011 8:58PM
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Pictures please..


1145 posts
27 Jun 2011 7:08PM
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Seriously if its not yellow your going to hate it dj

VIC, 5000 posts
28 Jun 2011 9:25AM
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So what if Lacey's review comes back negative? (cheap sup in buy'n'sell?)


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Hey Lacey I need a Test Pilot" started by Downwinder