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Hip Replacement Rehab

Created by Leroy13 > 9 months ago, 1 Aug 2013
VIC, 1174 posts
20 Aug 2013 11:54AM
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teatrea said..

Great to hear it went wellI had a mini revelation today and it may help you into the future. Be concious of the way you stand and not transfering weight to the better hip , or you will find that one becomes sore quickly.When i paddle i tend to put most weight on my left side due to my gammy right hip , thismorning i realised when i fall off my board it is always on the left side , by board aslo does not track that straight , i assumed it was the small fin i use , but it is my uneven weight. It is also true for just sitting , if you become aware of it you will notice you will take weight of the bad hip. Obviusley in re-hab this is normal , but the bad habit will continue if not checked.Bad thing about this is just wont effect your other hip but your back , neck as well.

Great tip Mr Trea. I was already starting to think that maybe the case as my hip deteriorated so quickly. My good hip and lower back started to experience pain as I tried to protect the gammy hip. I'll try to make sure that I don't over compensate Taa again


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Hip Replacement Rehab" started by Leroy13