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Infinity blurr v2. Now I'm happy.

Created by Steveo1 > 9 months ago, 30 Mar 2023
NSW, 137 posts
30 Mar 2023 6:24PM
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Now I'm happy. I never thought I would own one. Compliments my Sunova Sp25. Now I covered. Lol.

NSW, 314 posts
30 Mar 2023 7:26PM
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what size ? looks awesome, 2nd hand or import from USA ?

NSW, 137 posts
30 Mar 2023 7:44PM
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Hi NerdBurger,
I picked it up 2nd hand. It's an 8'11. I probably would be more suited to an 8'8 but considering they are so hard to get in Australia and at the right price, I wasn't passing this up. Beggars can't be choosers right. Lol

104 posts
31 Mar 2023 2:23PM
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Nice one!

323 posts
31 Mar 2023 3:18PM
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Sweet board, but I've never understood the purpose of those channels near the rails on the top. Is it to thin the rails?

Let us know how it goes in the waves!

NSW, 137 posts
31 Mar 2023 10:54PM
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My understanding is it thins the rails while keeping the volume in the centre. I'll let you know how it goes when I get it in some decent waves.

NSW, 137 posts
3 Apr 2023 1:39PM
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So I took the board out today in about head high waves. Paddling out the rails were under water and my feet stayed dry. This rail system made the board really steady and easy to paddle out. At 8'11 the board felt light and quick to paddle.
Waiting out back again the board felt steady.
Catching my first wave on this board, well what can I say. Whoooooweeee!!! This thing rocketed down the line and slight foot pressure and the next thing I know I'm turning right and climbing the wave before hitting the lip and back down again.
Now. I would say I'm an intermediate surfer but this thing made me look better than what I am. This board does everything Infinity say it does and I'm extremely happy with this board.

VIC, 405 posts
3 Apr 2023 2:43PM
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Steveo1, how does it compare to the SP??? I know its 8"11 and from memory the SP is 8"8??

NSW, 137 posts
3 Apr 2023 4:21PM
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No doubt I would be more suited to an 8'8 Blurr that said, the Blurr is my big wave winter board. It's seems to flow more, drawn out bigger lines as appose to tighter lines.
When I first jumped on the sp25 it was a little twitchy until I got used to it. Since then I've had it out in all manner of rough currents and surf and I love it. But it's more my summer board , catching fat waves .
The Blurr was stable straight off and I'm not sure if it's because I'm 90kg and the volume is 142 . As far as turning the blurr it only took slight foot pressure. The Blurr is definitely my bigger suckier wave board. But to be honest I love both board's.
On a side note. I tried to contact trade winds in WA a few times about a Blurr board but got no response. I found an old phone number and the fellow informed me they had shut down and aren't importing Infinity board's anymore.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Infinity blurr v2. Now I'm happy." started by Steveo1