Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Kai Lenny SUP Surfing at 'The Surf Ranch'

Created by Skeeee > 9 months ago, 9 May 2018
VIC, 260 posts
9 May 2018 5:54PM
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VIC, 17516 posts
12 May 2018 9:39AM
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Thanks.. Great vid.. Watched it a few times on Facebook and you've gotta admit how much fun that would be..

VIC, 796 posts
12 May 2018 5:38PM
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DavidJohn said..
Thanks.. Great vid.. Watched it a few times on Facebook and you've gotta admit how much fun that would be..

Ya' reckon we'd look as good DJ?

VIC, 17516 posts
13 May 2018 8:32AM
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Helmy said..

DavidJohn said..
Thanks.. Great vid.. Watched it a few times on Facebook and you've gotta admit how much fun that would be..

Ya' reckon we'd look as good DJ?

Yes.. But maybe not as deep.. There'd still be lots of fun to have way out on the shoulder of that wave..


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Kai Lenny SUP Surfing at 'The Surf Ranch'" started by Skeeee