G'day Beereezrts I'm very much into Sports Nutrition & have a very good understanding on the issue.
People take me for a dummy when I wrap there brains "I just wanna see how smart they are with there knowledge"
as there are some really smart people out there, and yet some that think they are smart on Nutrition but are not!
I very interested on what other people have to say on Baking Soda as I'm interested on your opinion, I'm learning to.
The Real-Life Diet of Laird Hamilton, Surf Icon and Nutrition Nerd, drinks this for breakfast "baking soda purges," which is not as industrial-severe as it sounds, but rather starting the day off drinking dissolved baking soda in water. (There's research to suggest that baking soda can prevent the build-up of lactic acid in muscles).
Baking soda is great for nutrition it really gives crack that extra pop and sizzle
Nothing like a fresh hit of some good local organic single origin crack
Tried it, shut through the the eye of a needleIt raises the alkalinity in the blood stream. Beetroot does the same thing without the nasty side effects. Personally I reckon supplements are a crock of ****. Funny on the Goldy their are more sup stores than macccas. It's pretty ****** simple eat a well balanced diet and stay away from crap food. Their has been never ending dribble about this diet and that diet, One minute fats good, next not, carb loading good then bad. Eat like a cave man ect ect. Read a storey once of a bloke who only ate peanut butter sandwiches, lived to a ripe old age
Eskimos only eat meat and live long healthy lives.
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Tried it, shut through the the eye of a needle It raises the alkalinity in the blood stream. Beetroot does the same thing without the nasty side effects. Personally I reckon supplements are a crock of ****. Funny on the Goldy their are more sup stores than macccas. It's pretty ****** simple eat a well balanced diet and stay away from crap food. Their has been never ending dribble about this diet and that diet, One minute fats good, next not, carb loading good then bad. Eat like a cave man ect ect. Read a storey once of a bloke who only ate peanut butter sandwiches, lived to a ripe old age
Eskimos only eat meat and live long healthy lives.
Yes well said teatra if everybody was like me McDonalds and take-away fast food shops would all be broke I never eat that crap.
Supplements are a waist of Money in general Supplements do very little for promoting good health well less than 10%
Save your money, just eat plenty of Vegetables.
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Fruit is great. But to much fruit a day Will make you fat just like raw sugar. I'm guilty of eating to much fruit "Mr Methane" f@#k I stink.
But you can never eat enough vegetables I OD on veggies every day plus a good 300gm Steak or fish every night, I'm just not a fan of chicken "Gynaecomastia"
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Fruit is great. But to much fruit a day Will make you fat just like raw sugar. I'm guilty of eating to much fruit "Mr Methane" f@#k I stink.
But you can never eat enough vegetables I OD on veggies every day plus a good 300gm Steak or fish every night, I'm just not a fan of chicken "Gynaecomastia"
Do agree. Every body is also different and handles different amounts and levels of all food groups. To much fruit for the average joe sitting around all day not exerising could lead to slight weight gain. Just like to much fat will too.
An elite cyclist in tour d France will LIVE on sugar all kinds and be as lean as a meth smoker from southport but be one of the fittest endurance humans in the world. They need to be as light and rail thin as possible but need the ability to spin those legs over at rediclous wattage for sustained amounts of time.
It really comes down to individuals hey.
Since I've been plant based on mainly high card low
Fat I am leaner than I have been in 10 years I am also fitter than I have been in 10 years and find I have more energy in my everyday life. On the days I am doing long hours at work and training I'll smash 12 bananas in a smoothie and easily eat more through out the day and that works for fueling me. On the quieter days I reduce the amount I am I taking and fuel up more of the veggies and grains.
I think the key is working out what works for you. To many people read something or follow an athlete and stick to their plan when they are not them. This is where they don't get the results they want.
Back on topic have you tried the baking soda idea Downwinder?
Do agree. Every body is also different and handles different amounts and levels of all food groups. To much fruit for the average joe sitting around all day not exerising could lead to slight weight gain. Just like to much fat will too.
An elite cyclist in tour d France will LIVE on sugar all kinds and be as lean as a meth smoker from southport but be one of the fittest endurance humans in the world. They need to be as light and rail thin as possible but need the ability to spin those legs over at rediclous wattage for sustained amounts of time.
It really comes down to individuals hey.
Since I've been plant based on mainly high card low
Fat I am leaner than I have been in 10 years I am also fitter than I have been in 10 years and find I have more energy in my everyday life. On the days I am doing long hours at work and training I'll smash 12 bananas in a smoothie and easily eat more through out the day and that works for fueling me. On the quieter days I reduce the amount I am I taking and fuel up more of the veggies and grains.
I think the key is working out what works for you. To many people read something or follow an athlete and stick to their plan when they are not them. This is where they don't get the results they want.
Back on topic have you tried the baking soda idea Downwinder?
Well said AndyR
Bananas are the best fruit on the planet I'll 6 or more daily. Yes sitting around eating Apples and Grapes will do you no go and will make you fat, best to eat Pears instead.
No I haven't tried the baking soda idea yet
I look at elite cyclist like marathon runners, have a listen to this it's so true its something we as human should already know. There are so many Triathlete guys in there 60's now walking around with pacemakers due to flogging there heart.
Run for your life! At a comfortable pace, and not too far: James O'Keefe at
It's just like balancing the ph in your poolmany acidic foods are converted to alkaline by your body.i went to a seminar once where the guy was saying cancer can't survive in an alkaline body, don't know weather that is true but a pretty smart dude once said let food be thy medicine. My daughter is total vegan and she's pretty healthy. I eat heaps of veggies and have lots of spices and herbs in my meals. Another really smart dude said herbs and spices are very hardy plants, make sense they would be good to eat. If you want to test weather you ate to acidic or alkaline a cheap way is to buy the simple pool test strips, or pay 30 bucks for the ones at the chemist. Thing is like plants some thrive in alkaline soils some in more acidic soils, same with us I would say. I think everything else being equal, diet is the number One factor in health, or performance. Blows my mind when I see KFC and macccas drive through chock full every night, feed your kids that crap on a regular basis and you are slowly killing them.
Do agree. Every body is also different and handles different amounts and levels of all food groups. To much fruit for the average joe sitting around all day not exerising could lead to slight weight gain. Just like to much fat will too.
An elite cyclist in tour d France will LIVE on sugar all kinds and be as lean as a meth smoker from southport but be one of the fittest endurance humans in the world. They need to be as light and rail thin as possible but need the ability to spin those legs over at rediclous wattage for sustained amounts of time.
It really comes down to individuals hey.
Since I've been plant based on mainly high card low
Fat I am leaner than I have been in 10 years I am also fitter than I have been in 10 years and find I have more energy in my everyday life. On the days I am doing long hours at work and training I'll smash 12 bananas in a smoothie and easily eat more through out the day and that works for fueling me. On the quieter days I reduce the amount I am I taking and fuel up more of the veggies and grains.
I think the key is working out what works for you. To many people read something or follow an athlete and stick to their plan when they are not them. This is where they don't get the results they want.
Back on topic have you tried the baking soda idea Downwinder?
Well said AndyR
Bananas are the best fruit on the planet I'll 6 or more daily. Yes sitting around eating Apples and Grapes will do you no go and will make you fat, best to eat Pears instead.
Run for your life! At a comfortable pace, and not too far: James O'Keefe at
Yep bananas are the best. It's hard to find good ones too. Once you eat a proper no spray grown banana from like Bali or Thailand it's so hard to come back and eat chemically farmed ones you notice the taste but hey oh well. Organic boxes cost to much here like $40 a box or more.
I buy a 13kg box of bananas a week from my local awesome fruit market. At the moment can get a box for less than $9 end of the week when they are going ripe they give whole 13kg boxes away for like $2-$5 no joke best deal in the world!!
Charlies fruit market in Brisbane is the best shop around.
I have watched that ted talk a couple of times. He is a smart man and what he says really opens up the thinking about the body. I do think there is a lot of truths in it.
I run, I run marathons not fast by any means but for the joy of challenging the body and mind a little. Much like M20 and epic down wind paddles. You have to test the body and mind and push the limits a little. Makes you feel alive even if feeling alive is actually killing you slowly haha.
The Real-Life Diet of Laird Hamilton, Surf Icon and Nutrition Nerd, drinks this for breakfast “baking soda purges,” which is not as industrial-severe as it sounds, but rather starting the day off drinking dissolved baking soda in water. (There’s research to suggest that baking soda can prevent the build-up of lactic acid in muscles).
Beware of this bull****, for many reasons. Just naming 2 here:
- Our health is for the most part determined by our genes ... and our luck. Saying that a person (or a small set of people) lived long because of their habits is statistically insane. See all the recent controversy on the nastiness of saturated fats...
- Our knowledge of the human body is still incomplete and riddled with prejudices. For instance lactic acid was once thought as a toxin, created as waste by muscular effort, but apparently it is now thought of as ... the fuel for the muscles, prepared by the body to power them. So much for simplistic "common sense" theroes based on no scientif ic evidence.
The Real-Life Diet of Laird Hamilton, Surf Icon and Nutrition Nerd, drinks this for breakfast “baking soda purges,” which is not as industrial-severe as it sounds, but rather starting the day off drinking dissolved baking soda in water. (There’s research to suggest that baking soda can prevent the build-up of lactic acid in muscles).
Beware of this bull****, for many reasons. Just naming 2 here:
- Our health is for the most part determined by our genes ... and our luck. Saying that a person (or a small set of people) lived long because of their habits is statistically insane. See all the recent controversy on the nastiness of saturated fats...
- Our knowledge of the human body is still incomplete and riddled with prejudices. For instance lactic acid was once thought as a toxin, created as waste by muscular effort, but apparently it is now thought of as ... the fuel for the muscles, prepared by the body to power them. So much for simplistic "common sense" theroes based on no scientif ic evidence.
What is good about Saturated fats? We Need fats to survive but un-saturated fats. We do not need any saturated fats to survive or function and saturated fats as carbons pack together easily which causes plaques in arties and interacts with cholesterol build ups in our blood stream, This does not happen with un-saturated fats. Luckily our bodies are pretty good and can handle saturated fats to a degree and break it down though we don't actually need it. All in moderation.
I knew Lactic acid is a process that is converted into energy for the body once our main and first process is depleted though I did think trying to delay it was key. Now I am not so sure. I found a couple interesting clips explaining how it all works.
Tried it, shut through the the eye of a needle It raises the alkalinity in the blood stream. Beetroot does the same thing without the nasty side effects. Personally I reckon supplements are a crock of ****. Funny on the Goldy their are more sup stores than macccas. It's pretty ****** simple eat a well balanced diet and stay away from crap food. Their has been never ending dribble about this diet and that diet, One minute fats good, next not, carb loading good then bad. Eat like a cave man ect ect. Read a storey once of a bloke who only ate peanut butter sandwiches, lived to a ripe old age
Eskimos only eat meat and live long healthy lives.
Eskimos live long healthy lives - thats just plain wrong !
Greenland ( a independent part of the Danish Kingdom) has MUCH lower life expectancy than any other part of the country , this is not only caused by diet but is very complex
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Sorry to be the a pain in the ass, but the only part of body that only runs on carbs is the brain. You body can produce glucose from fat/ protein but it doesnt work the other way around. All cells in the body a build from fat and proteins , so to " help" your cells you have to have balanced diet including fat
Doing "Long sustained exercise" you body often is fueled by fat
Beware of this bull****, for many reasons. Just naming 2 here:
- Our health is for the most part determined by our genes ... and our luck. Saying that a person (or a small set of people) lived long because of their habits is statistically insane. See all the recent controversy on the nastiness of saturated fats...
- Our knowledge of the human body is still incomplete and riddled with prejudices. For instance lactic acid was once thought as a toxin, created as waste by muscular effort, but apparently it is now thought of as ... the fuel for the muscles, prepared by the body to power them. So much for simplistic "common sense" theroes based on no scientif ic evidence.
Yes colas well said I agree, Plus Health is 50% lifestyle, 10% medicine and the rest is genetics and luck.
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Sorry to be the a pain in the ass, but the only part of body that only runs on carbs is the brain. You body can produce glucose from fat/ protein but it doesnt work the other way around. All cells in the body a build from fat and proteins , so to " help" your cells you have to have balanced diet including fat
Doing "Long sustained exercise" you body often is fueled by fat
Not a pain in the ass Surf Neils, I am keen to learn more and know what others know
I don't think I worded what I said correctly I should of said brain not body. I'll be the first to say I am not smart enough to know exactly what happens. From my knowledge though glucose is the only source to fuel the brain which gives the brain energy to perform. so why limit giving our brain the fuel it needs.
Our bodies do convert protein into Glucose But it is a very slow and inefficient process. I agree cells in the body build from fats/proteins. alot of debate about what is the best way to get those proteins.
Actually nearing the end of an early childhood degree, there are three elements to health and nutrition and Andy R is onto something with the bananas. Children need no extra nutrition supplements or powdered formulas except the milk from their mother. Your health is based on your ancestary, health and also your environment. If you lived on a pacific island and removed yourself from sickness and diseases your health would increase substantially. Why because you limit your exposure to the herd.
Your food also used to be considered a constant factor but with globalisation things are changing.
Funny on the Goldy their are more sup stores than macccas. It's pretty ****** simple eat a well balanced diet and stay away from crap food.
There is a person from my town who claims they were broke, had no money, living week to week.....somehow managed to start a Supplement shop, is absolutely killing it on the financial side of things now apparently, all because he is flogging just about every supplement known to man, is prolific on social media, has great customer service, I just can't help but think it's a fraud, offers meal plans, someone showed me one of the meal plans, it was supplements for brekkie, for lunch and dinner. I have seen videos of people lining up down the road to get into the shop - the lure of supplements targeting people saying they will lose weight fast etc, just take supps etc, its bloody epic. Whats wrong with real food - I'm short fat and overweight due to years of a **** diet, but have managed to drop 15 or so KG in the last 8 months due to eating just a well balanced diet of meat, veges and fruit and dropped alcohol altogether mixed with plenty of exercise.
read a good book natural born heroes , about stories from the war where people showed miraculous feats of endurance on very poor diets. Apparently they made good use of the bodies fascial network to conserve energy , been reading a bit about it lately although most of it is over my head. It is basically using the bodies fascia as a rebound or spring mechanism , much like kangaroos do and many other animals. A lot of normal training works the fascia obviously but a lot doesn't. Its also an interesting adjunct to nutrition. Ive been doing a lot of body weight and ballistic type training for a few months and I'm doing stuff now I could only do in my twenties. Where really moving forward with training ideas , expecially strength training. Their is gym strength and real world strength.If any one else is trying different fitness approaches Id like to hear your experiences.
I feel its all about a balanced diet ...banana have great potassium ,capsicum great VC.meat and eggs our protein .
but we need Calcium to be able to use all these nutrient s ...it is a trucker of all minerals and vitamins. Through the body .And helps the body use them
same as all plants .
calcium is found in nuts ,cheese milk ..etc...for those who don't know .
If you only eat one thing your body with crave for others (still feel hungry)and you wont get the nutrition out of one thing with out the other .
If you eat to much of anything like fruit it will go straight through you because it can't process it ,with out the other Nutrients Or minerals.
Doctor Karl on JJJ is against or doesn't recommend blending because it goes through you to fast and your digestive system can't get the vitimans and minerals out of your food in time .And he said its a waste .chew ..
yes cancer cells don't live in a high alkaline body it destroys them ...if you are high in acid you will have problems...feel sheet...and no energy .
exercise and eat right ..Not to much beer
He is wrong about limiting his fruit intake.
Fruit is broken down to glucose.
You need glucose, the simplest form of carbohydrates, to provide energy to every cell in your body. Because glucose is your body's main energy source, most of your calories need to come from carbohydrates
If he is doing long sustained amounts of exercise why would you want to limit the amount of sugar intake
On the baking soda idea I have read that track athletes like 200/400m/800m get onto this to try eliminate the lactic acid build up while competing.
I'll try find where I read it on the net was some time ago now
Fruit is great. But to much fruit a day Will make you fat just like raw sugar. I'm guilty of eating to much fruit "Mr Methane" f@#k I stink.
But you can never eat enough vegetables I OD on veggies every day plus a good 300gm Steak or fish every night, I'm just not a fan of chicken "Gynaecomastia"
DW, curious to know what you consider to be "too much fruit per day"
And the breakdown. I.E: 1 apple, 2 bananas, an orange etc etc
What is good about Saturated fats? We Need fats to survive but un-saturated fats. We do not need any saturated fats to survive or function and saturated fats as carbons pack together easily which causes plaques in arties and interacts with cholesterol build ups in our blood stream, This does not happen with un-saturated fats.
Please look at the recent scientific papers, you will be surprised. Some now even claim that saturated fats are more healthy than unsaturated ones.
I simply fail to believe that sorry but that's just my opinion.
I have read plenty in recent times that is the complete opposite of what you are saying. That is the good thing and interesting thing I guess there is always two sides and two beliefs or more in what is right and wrong.
I am probably biased as I have switched to a 100% plant based diet and I am thriving on it.
I have some friends who are opposite are very much into the ketosis side of theory. One mate looks very fit body shape wise but when it comes to Cardio and his heart rate is through the roof could be many things but I can't help but think it would be a different story if he ate more carbs and sugars and dropped how much meat/fat he eats. Another mate who is simply piling on the weight eating a full paleo diet of high fats.
In Australia heart disease is the number one killer in Aussie men. Have recently lost two friends in 2 years to it. That scares the **** out of me personally. You can be dealt a **** genetic card but if not then diet has to be the major factor in causing heart attacks that's bloody scary certainly has me thinking about what is right what is wrong what is good what is bad for me and my family and friends.
Teatrea have you read the "China study" or has your daughter? Most vegans have or no about it.
Really really good read.