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Landpaddling in pumptrack

Created by O2P > 9 months ago, 26 Feb 2024
17 posts
26 Feb 2024 5:39PM
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For those of you who are interested in training on landpaddle to have fun, i share my experience. I've discovered pumptrack 3 years ago thanks to surfskate. I also landpaddle on a 60' longboard skate to work cross steps in skatepark, it's very fun.
Last test i was not convinced before i tried : landpaddling in pumptrack ! I immediatly took to it because it's a great training to work of the paddle changing hands during the turns, on this point it's really close to wave riding. I deeply recommand, for fun, i share some raw videos of my first day with a paddle in pumptrack (Kahuna pohaku wahine 48 with Carver CX trucks, homemade paddle) :


Does anyone landpaddle to train your water sessions ?

VIC, 1377 posts
27 Feb 2024 9:55PM
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I have done during COVID bought 3 boards and a land paddle and hit the bike tracks, great way to keep fit and improve paddle power. Not so much now I am surfing on my SUP more and it hurts when you hit the road more than water.

317 posts
27 Feb 2024 7:29PM
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DaveSandan said..
I have done during COVID bought 3 boards and a land paddle and hit the bike tracks, great way to keep fit and improve paddle power. Not so much now I am surfing on my SUP more and it hurts when you hit the road more than water.

Tell me about it. I got into surf skating when I decided to restart surfing a few years ago. It was great to wake up the old muscle memory and I would be surf skating on all the flat days until one day when I stepped on a sandy puddle, then jumped on the board, tried to pump and my front foot slipped off. I landed on my hand and fractured one of the metacarpals. It just so happened that I took my pickup to the beach that day, so I had to try to change gears with that hand whilst driving home. I must have been in a bit of shock because I felt nauseous and the pain was immense. This happened in June 2022 and I've only been back on the surf skate twice and both were very skittish and gingerly attempts.

17 posts
27 Feb 2024 8:42PM
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theSeb said..

DaveSandan said..
I have done during COVID bought 3 boards and a land paddle and hit the bike tracks, great way to keep fit and improve paddle power. Not so much now I am surfing on my SUP more and it hurts when you hit the road more than water.

Tell me about it. I got into surf skating when I decided to restart surfing a few years ago. It was great to wake up the old muscle memory and I would be surf skating on all the flat days until one day when I stepped on a sandy puddle, then jumped on the board, tried to pump and my front foot slipped off. I landed on my hand and fractured one of the metacarpals. It just so happened that I took my pickup to the beach that day, so I had to try to change gears with that hand whilst driving home. I must have been in a bit of shock because I felt nauseous and the pain was immense. This happened in June 2022 and I've only been back on the surf skate twice and both were very skittish and gingerly attempts.

I'm sorry for your experience, sure than skating can hurt, i personnaly wear always all my protections. In pumptrack and park, i also wear an american football impact short (under-wear). I surfskate + landpaddle only because i live at 600 km for my holidays supsurfing spots (Brittany, France), if i was living on the coast, i would certainly not do it to stay focus on the water, but it gives me the good adrenaline of a session and a muscle memory. I don't research speed, more the curve, so risk to hurt is not so high in pumptracks (less chance to hurt another skater than in skatepark). It's my regular sport out of holidays, i was very worry to fall on concrete at the beginning, not anymore but i've always this perspective in head. Surfskating on flat to work infinityloop at very low speed is also a very good exercice and sensation, with less risk than pumptrack.
Just to share : i use Soulboardiy 34' surfskate with Carver CX trucks (after having tested Slide and Yow Meraki trucks), the Carver CX has a bit more of stability and rigidity that secure more the ride and imo are closer to the surf rails resistance in the water.
My 60" is Koastal Drifter 2, it's heavy to carry, but when it rolls (with 75 mm wheels), you can feel a kind of inertia i appreciate in longboard surfing and longsup surfing. Trucks are Paris wedged on rear and front, it turns well.

317 posts
27 Feb 2024 8:51PM
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No worries. It's up to me to get over my fears and I am planning to jump back on it this summer, but I'll make sure that it's on dry and sunny days

I own a Carver 36" deck (can't remember the exact model) with the CX trucks. I do enjoy the way they feel. Opinion is split on this, but many surfers do rate them and prefer the CX trucks over the other popular stuff. I think many other trucks, like Yow, are too loose.

17 posts
27 Feb 2024 9:55PM
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theSeb said..
No worries. It's up to me to get over my fears and I am planning to jump back on it this summer, but I'll make sure that it's on dry and sunny days

I own a Carver 36" deck (can't remember the exact model) with the CX trucks. I do enjoy the way they feel. Opinion is split on this, but many surfers do rate them and prefer the CX trucks over the other popular stuff. I think many other trucks, like Yow, are too loose.

Totally agree about Carver CX trucks. Sure the dry weather and clean concrete are mandatory :)

VIC, 1377 posts
28 Feb 2024 12:22PM
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These are my two toys for land paddling, I have all the protective gear including impact vests but the one time i did not have it on is when I hit the road and did my shoulder which took 12 months to come good.

Its great fun and is good for keeping you surf ready.

17 posts
28 Feb 2024 4:29PM
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DaveSandan said..
These are my two toys for land paddling, I have all the protective gear including impact vests but the one time i did not have it on is when I hit the road and did my shoulder which took 12 months to come good.

Its great fun and is good for keeping you surf ready.

Nice boards, interesting to use different trucks width to play on nimbleness.

17 posts
3 Mar 2024 6:08PM
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DaveSandan said..
These are my two toys for land paddling, I have all the protective gear including impact vests but the one time i did not have it on is when I hit the road and did my shoulder which took 12 months to come good.

Its great fun and is good for keeping you surf ready.

Here is my quiver :
- Koastal Drifter 2-60' : for landpaddle on flat and skatepark (Paris V2 trucks)
- Kahuna 48' : for pumptracks and landpalle on flat (Carver CX trucks)
- Soulboardiy 34' : for pumptracks and flats (without paddle) - (Carver CX trucks)

On Kahuna 48, i've placed additional grip tapes, originally the deck is just lightly sanded.

On Koastal Drifter 60, you can see i've sanded wheel flares to avoid wheel bites.
You can see on Kahuna and Soulboardiy that my rear wheels (pink) are softer (77a) than my front wheels (80a) to increase grip.

Paris Trucks wedged 6? in front and rear on Koastal 60 (Durian 75 mm)

Homemade paddles with painter sticks, wood handle in "T" inserted in a copper T. On the right, it's the end of o curtain rail, less confortable than the "T" handle but it makes the job.

4 posts
17 May 2024 5:54AM
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theSeb said..

DaveSandan said..
I have done during COVID bought 3 boards and a land paddle and hit the bike tracks, great way to keep fit and improve paddle power. Not so much now I am surfing on my SUP more and it hurts when you hit the road more than water.

Tell me about it. I got into surf skating when I decided to restart surfing a few years ago. It was great to wake up the old muscle memory and I would be surf skating on all the flat days until one day when I stepped on a sandy puddle, then jumped on the board, tried to pump and my front foot slipped off. I landed on my hand and fractured one of the metacarpals. It just so happened that I took my pickup to the beach that day, so I had to try to change gears with that hand whilst driving home. I must have been in a bit of shock because I felt nauseous and the pain was immense. This happened in June 2022 and I've only been back on the surf skate twice and both were very skittish and gingerly attempts.

I hear ya, At 60 maybe I should rethink the idea of skate boarding but I bought a surfskate and was having a ball untill I came off and wrecked a wrist and tore my rotor cuff tendon. Its taken nearly a year to mend now im a bit scared to go again.

674 posts
18 May 2024 7:09PM
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So sweet pump track you have. Nice smooth and wide. I'd join you on my Carver C7 powered surf skate. For the older crew the skateboard is a balance and tech tuner that I find definitely carries over and helps me in the surf.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Landpaddling in pumptrack" started by O2P