Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Locking the board

Created by Thanksfortheride > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2023
23 posts
14 Mar 2023 5:29PM
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I have wire lock system that attaches to the leash plug but it is quite flimsy, thin wire. Do you have any ideas or solutions for a more sturdy locking system for boards? Dugout race boards in particular? The idea is to feel safe storing them on the backyard of our house. I have been thinking about making thicker wire loops around the nose and tail of the board and then connectig those so that the tension keeps the wire secure. That would form something to lock to the terrace pillars etc. that prevents carrying the boards away. Any other ideas, solutions or even products?

VIC, 17495 posts
14 Mar 2023 11:09PM
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522 posts
14 Mar 2023 9:39PM
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Thanks for that - I just ordered a lockjaw, mostly for when I go camping etc.
At home, I have my boards locked to their racks with Kanu Locks.
If someone really wants the board, neither the lockjaw nor the kanu locks will stop them, but great deterrents for an opportunistic thief.

QLD, 21945 posts
15 Mar 2023 5:49PM
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Interesting topic I'm moving in a few weeks the place is fully fenced but has one side of the garage open on the side

VIC, 1377 posts
18 Mar 2023 2:34PM
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I have Lock Racks with the larger arms for 2 sups and a race board and they can also be mounted onto walls, once they are in you won't be getting the board out any time soon?

522 posts
24 Mar 2023 3:56PM
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My Lockjaw kit turned up today. Outside of the padlock, it's an excellent bit of kit. And for the price, you shouldn't be expecting a highend padlock.
After ordering it, I then read reviews.... numerous reviews about how it's too wide to fit in standard fin boxes. I compared the lockjaw to a bunch of fins that weren't in boards, and fitted it into a couple of boards. No problemo.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Locking the board" started by Thanksfortheride