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Longboard styling on a SUP: anyone? vids?

Created by linter > 9 months ago, 14 Mar 2014
VIC, 580 posts
15 Mar 2014 5:24PM
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Area10 said..

linter said...
yeah, area10, i think you're probably right about the machado vid. even for me, now that i look at it again, it's a little too minimal. but i still stand by my original thesis, that SUP has yet to produce any rider who can do the equivalent of what joel tudor does on a longboard. or maybe it's not a matter of "can do". maybe it's more a matter of inclination; if that's the case, i sure hope it changes soon.

Well, actually I'm very sympathetic to your main point. I think SUP shortboarding is a pretty dire emulation of prone shortboarding, and that SUP longboarding is generally a poor replica of prone longboarding. The problem is that rather than using our obvious unique feature (the paddle) to develop new moves that have never been seen before in surfing, we are just borrowing from other disciplines. But soon some young buck will come up with a signature move that can't be done without a paddle and then SUP surfing will have come of age.

I don't think either of you have made a good case for why sup has to be different to either short or longboarding. All three forms have the same intent which is to catch and ride waves. What about kneelos? Or body boards? Or body surfers? Each evolves by picking up the good points of the others - whether they do it better or not is in the eye of the beholder and how they appreciate the style, positioning and degree of difficulty. With surfing around for so long by comparison, I'd like to see a new sup move that hasn't been done before and is either functional or not a kids trick.

Good surfing is good surfing. Doesn't matter what you ride. i reckon Gut 's bottom turns on that last wave were red hot - he was getting both speed and about 15-20 yards out of them on a tank, which is not easy but he made it look it.

Of course nobody on a sup will ever be on a level footing with a paddle and all that foam underneath them. Joel Tudor, besides being a freak of nature like Kelly, rides boards that are so much easier to surf well on. If sup-style boards were the way to ride waves like he does, why isn't he on something 26-28" wide and 4" thick?

I think sup will reach "maturity" when people stop talking about the issue of maturity. Til then we sound like a pack of grommets wishing we were sitting closer to the peak.

But when you do find that footage of the good sup/mal surfing please do post it.

1566 posts
15 Mar 2014 5:00PM
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Tang said..

Area10 said..

linter said...
yeah, area10, i think you're probably right about the machado vid. even for me, now that i look at it again, it's a little too minimal. but i still stand by my original thesis, that SUP has yet to produce any rider who can do the equivalent of what joel tudor does on a longboard. or maybe it's not a matter of "can do". maybe it's more a matter of inclination; if that's the case, i sure hope it changes soon.

Well, actually I'm very sympathetic to your main point. I think SUP shortboarding is a pretty dire emulation of prone shortboarding, and that SUP longboarding is generally a poor replica of prone longboarding. The problem is that rather than using our obvious unique feature (the paddle) to develop new moves that have never been seen before in surfing, we are just borrowing from other disciplines. But soon some young buck will come up with a signature move that can't be done without a paddle and then SUP surfing will have come of age.

I don't think either of you have made a good case for why sup has to be different to either short or longboarding. All three forms have the same intent which is to catch and ride waves. What about kneelos? Or body boards? Or body surfers? Each evolves by picking up the good points of the others - whether they do it better or not is in the eye of the beholder and how they appreciate the style, positioning and degree of difficulty. With surfing around for so long by comparison, I'd like to see a new sup move that hasn't been done before and is either functional or not a kids trick.

Good surfing is good surfing. Doesn't matter what you ride. i reckon Gut 's bottom turns on that last wave were red hot - he was getting both speed and about 15-20 yards out of them on a tank, which is not easy but he made it look it.

Of course nobody on a sup will ever be on a level footing with a paddle and all that foam underneath them. Joel Tudor, besides being a freak of nature like Kelly, rides boards that are so much easier to surf well on. If sup-style boards were the way to ride waves like he does, why isn't he on something 26-28" wide and 4" thick?

I think sup will reach "maturity" when people stop talking about the issue of maturity. Til then we sound like a pack of grommets wishing we were sitting closer to the peak.

But when you do find that footage of the good sup/mal surfing please do post it.

Thank's Tang, even with better english speaking i wouldn't tell better.
I just add this: IMO, SUP long boarding will evolved in his style when the kind of accurate surfer ( i mean the top surfer as Kelly or Tudor) will put a paddle in a body extension of their naturally perfect move on waves. So as soon they will have complete commitement of paddle then longboarders will do with paddle harmony the tricks like fade, turn, stall, walk the board (or not), noseride (or not), back pedal, do it all again,
Watch the paddle/board/body commitment from Laird surfing my home beach on this picture. I did shot when he came to visit us

QLD, 7080 posts
15 Mar 2014 7:19PM
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I guess it all just comes down to the the life long Mal debate Traditional vs Progressive. Beaver flap logger riding or vertical snaps. It's all surfing just do what you enjoy.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
15 Mar 2014 7:25PM
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gee rob with that kind of logic this post will never get to ten pages

223 posts
15 Mar 2014 7:55PM
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i tend to agree, more or less, with all the more recent responses. and, yes, tudor is a freak of nature, but, man, would i ever love to see him spend some time on a longboard SUP and glimpse what he, as a one-of-a-kind traditional longboard rider, would and could do with it. i bet that'd be pretty interesting.

156 posts
16 Mar 2014 12:50PM
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So anyone have any suggestions on the sup ( length, width, make ) that best suits crusie long board style riding that nose rides as well

VIC, 580 posts
16 Mar 2014 10:59PM
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The DT surftech boards look pretty good too, particularly the Alii IV 10'3". But I still reckon its a bit big to surf with sufficient ease. Is anyone making boards around the 110-120 litre mark about 9'8"- 9'4"x26.5"x4"? A mal-style nose and the length would add to stability, I reckon. Flat rocker, mono concave into a bit of vee.......?

QLD, 2031 posts
16 Mar 2014 11:36PM
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Tang said..

The DT surftech boards look pretty good too, particularly the Alii IV 10'3". But I still reckon its a bit big to surf with sufficient ease. Is anyone making boards around the 110-120 litre mark about 9'8"- 9'4"x26.5"x4"? A mal-style nose and the length would add to stability, I reckon. Flat rocker, mono concave into a bit of vee.......?

Im not sure the 10.3 and 10.7 available any more??? I have a design with simon at Deep, just need the $$$. It will be 10' and want to keep it narrow and thin, Id like to go 25-26, just not sure what I can get away with

196 posts
16 Mar 2014 11:16PM
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Joe Aaron and CJ Nelson are IMHO the most entertaining longboarders to watch.

I guess this is a bit had to rate as progressive or traditional, as even on his most traditional approach to it seems pretty progressive to me!

Joe is actually a pretty decent supper as well:

5171 posts
17 Mar 2014 5:52AM
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linter said..
i'm beginning to think the problem lies in SUPs as a shape -- they're clunky and wide and unlike a longboard

Actually, not necessarily... read the "paddlesurf" thread and the trend to use actual prone longboards as SUPs...

PS: me, I sold my longboards once I discovered the Simmons... Simmons give you the "glide fix" of longboards even if you don't have the waves for it.

NSW, 814 posts
17 Mar 2014 11:09AM
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Kami said..

broadman said..

So anyone have any suggestions on the sup ( length, width, make ) that best suits crusie long board style riding that nose rides as well

THE SURFER STAND UP PADDLE BOARD IN 10, 10'6, 11', 11'6, OR 12'

I've got the Laird 10'6" and ride it as a single fin (9" Fatboy fin). Nose rides a treat and performs just like a mal. If I had the skills of a 'Tudor or Beau Young', that board would just hum.

2681 posts
17 Mar 2014 12:17PM
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I think that there is one person, in whom I have seen the"spark" of style needed for what you seek.

Young Mo Fritas.

While ripping his short SUP... he views waves differently from most of the slashers... he works a lot of grace into his repertoire.

He draws lines that have the feel of Hawaiian kings and one hell of a knack for a drop knee turn... all while riding his short SUP. I have never seen a vid of him on a long SUP... but I bet he could rock classic "longboard style"... it's in his DNA.

NSW, 60 posts
17 Mar 2014 4:20PM
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Man, this topic is great. The videos etc are top shelf. Please keep them coming.

1566 posts
17 Mar 2014 3:44PM
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JohnnyMaya said..
Joe is actually a pretty decent supper as well:

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linter said..

i tend to agree, more or less, with all the more recent responses. and, yes, tudor is a freak of nature, but, man, would i ever love to see him spend some time on a longboard SUP and glimpse what he, as a one-of-a-kind traditional longboard rider, would and could do with it. i bet that'd be pretty interesting.

Yes, he has to spent more time on a longboardSUP...
On a longboard like seen on the first video, Tudor and his board are a single element.
On second video he is far away not mastering paddle and board, it seems to me there is 3 elements.
And that board is a clunky board compare of his longboard surfed on the first video.
Look at this video , i would like to see Tudor using paddle as Delpero does.

NSW, 814 posts
18 Mar 2014 2:07PM
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Kami said..

JohnnyMaya said..
Joe is actually a pretty decent supper as well:

linter said..

i tend to agree, more or less, with all the more recent responses. and, yes, tudor is a freak of nature, but, man, would i ever love to see him spend some time on a longboard SUP and glimpse what he, as a one-of-a-kind traditional longboard rider, would and could do with it. i bet that'd be pretty interesting.

Yes, he has to spent more time on a longboardSUP...
On a longboard like seen on the first video, Tudor and his board are a single element.
On second video he is far away not mastering paddle and board, it seems to me there is 3 elements.
And that board is a clunky board compare of his longboard surfed on the first video.
Look at this video , i would like to see Tudor using paddle as Delpero does.

Sorry. That's not surfing! That's just tricks.

1566 posts
18 Mar 2014 4:09PM
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Sandsy1 said..

Kami said..

JohnnyMaya said..
Joe is actually a pretty decent supper as well:

linter said..

i tend to agree, more or less, with all the more recent responses. and, yes, tudor is a freak of nature, but, man, would i ever love to see him spend some time on a longboard SUP and glimpse what he, as a one-of-a-kind traditional longboard rider, would and could do with it. i bet that'd be pretty interesting.

Yes, he has to spent more time on a longboardSUP...
On a longboard like seen on the first video, Tudor and his board are a single element.
On second video he is far away not mastering paddle and board, it seems to me there is 3 elements.
And that board is a clunky board compare of his longboard surfed on the first video.
Look at this video , i would like to see Tudor using paddle as Delpero does.

Sorry. That's not surfing! That's just tricks.

I spoke about the handling of paddle
But about tricks i agree your reply because this not the same hat

2681 posts
18 Mar 2014 9:44PM
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Hey Linter.... here's a short clip that you should enjoy....Dave has nice tip riding style... his nose pose nails it

NSW, 55 posts
19 Mar 2014 4:35PM
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Have to agree with STC, Brown Blurr rips on SUP, long board, fishes and short boards... IMO, he is probably the smoothest SUP rider I have seen so far. :)

VIC, 580 posts
20 Mar 2014 12:17AM
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colas said..

linter said..
i'm beginning to think the problem lies in SUPs as a shape -- they're clunky and wide and unlike a longboard

Actually, not necessarily... read the "paddlesurf" thread and the trend to use actual prone longboards as SUPs...

PS: me, I sold my longboards once I discovered the Simmons... Simmons give you the "glide fix" of longboards even if you don't have the waves for it.

Simmons, colas? More info please!

QLD, 7080 posts
20 Mar 2014 12:56AM
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Mate those vid's are traditional all day with a slash of flair. I love technique and style but it really irkes me to see waves wasted by some wanna be style master plane through a section where it should have been smacked or cut back .Each to his own but some mal riding styles have become like coffee sipping suckers in Hastings street in Noosa. Surfing is a way of life not a pretend style of life.

674 posts
19 Mar 2014 11:32PM
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Piros said..

it really irkes me to see waves wasted by some wanna be style master plane through a section where it should have been smacked or cut back

I guess I'm just lucky that when the waves have tempted me to bust out the 11' log, I can still love the feel of a real trimmed out longboard glide.

And I guess you're lucky that I'm not surfing at your beach.

122 posts
20 Mar 2014 5:43AM
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Piros said..


Mate those vid's are traditional all day with a slash of flair. I love technique and style but it really irkes me to see waves wasted by some wanna be style master plane through a section where it should have been smacked or cut back .Each to his own but some mal riding styles have become like coffee sipping suckers in Hastings street in Noosa. Surfing is a way of life not a pretend style of life.

The good thing about surfing is you do it how it pleases you. You don't have to give a s&*t at what irks people...

VIC, 5904 posts
20 Mar 2014 12:03PM
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Piros said..


Mate those vid's are traditional all day with a slash of flair. I love technique and style but it really irkes me to see waves wasted by some wanna be style master plane through a section where it should have been smacked or cut back .Each to his own but some mal riding styles have become like coffee sipping suckers in Hastings street in Noosa. Surfing is a way of life not a pretend style of life.

What an absolute crock of crap

QLD, 7080 posts
20 Mar 2014 4:58PM
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You have missed my point I have nothing against loggers (I still ride a mal) a good logger is beautiful to watch , it's the wanna be style masters with their $200 vintage boardies , $300 aged rubber apparel , fake aged boards & can barely turn the board , no leg rope and seem to go through a set rehearsed Dick Doyle poses even down to the way they hold their fingers. It just looks so fake.

156 posts
20 Mar 2014 3:02PM
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there just havin fun in there own way. If you dont like it, dont watch them.

1566 posts
20 Mar 2014 3:35PM
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Yes PIros, Hotdoggers beat those show off loggers since the beginning of the surfing story

5171 posts
20 Mar 2014 3:43PM
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Tang said..
Simmons, colas? More info please!


I use the Gong AS, you can see more pics at click on "Affichage" at the bottom center of the main pic gallery on to of the page.

You also have Simmons / Fish hybrids nowadays, see:
Wide, short, thin, flat is where the planing fun is!

SA, 247 posts
3 Apr 2014 1:40PM
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The board that Rob Machado is using in the photo looks like it maybe a big prone board .I was told that some of the young guys in the States were using the Surftech Munoz Glide,11ft and 12ft as stand up paddle boards a few years back..They are 25" and 261/2 inches wide respectively.I own both these boards as small wave prone boards,but think they are a little narrow for my sup abilities.May take the 12 out and try it as a sup ,wax no deck grip..They are in my opinion fantastic longoards for old school small wave riding.Probably work ok in big waves as well,but not with me on them.

5171 posts
13 Feb 2015 3:12PM
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Xavier enjoys some longboard SUPing

tha dogman
NSW, 2912 posts
13 Feb 2015 9:04PM
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That was sick!!!!

Great vid.... Great little bank for grovelling on the bigboard

Thanks colas


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Longboard styling on a SUP: anyone? vids?" started by linter