Hey SUPpers,
I have a bit of a lower back problem that has cropped up since I have been doing SUP, especially since I have been doing some interval training with Woody and pushing it a bit harder.
The chiro says it's a strained core muscle that is pulling by lower back out. Also might be some fatigue in the lower lats. I've been getting the chiro crunch and a massage for a couple of weeks now, and it's not improving that much.
Anyone else had any issues, and how did you overcome them?
Any stretches or strengthening exercises you can recommend?
Because it is keeping me off the water, making sitting in front of a computer at work a nightmare, and generally ****ting me and making me crabby.
Firstly see your GP and get a referral to a specialist and find out if there is any degeneration or injury to your discs. You really need this info' before getting treatment from a physio/osteo or whomever. Once you know exactly what is wrong then talk to your specialist about the best course of treatment/re-hab or whatever. Back pain/injuries can be serious and have long lasting effects on your well-being if you don't get a proper diagnosis and treatment. I know this form past and present spinal problems. Once you know whats going on you can hook up with an "expert" paddle coach and work on your paddling technique so as to strengthen your body and minimise injury.
I agree with billboard. If the chiro says it's a "strained core muscle", ask which one? Lots of muscles in your "core", many with different functions.
Have to agree with Towny!
I have had a lower back injury and seen a chiro for years and when I was travelling I couldn't get to see a Chiro and saw an Osteopath instead.
They actually explained to me what the problem was, why it kept happening and how to strengthen the core/muscles that required it.
I still see him once a month just for a check up and to continue to release any spasms etc. They work with the whole system not just cracking bones.
Good luck!
I have to agree with billboard on this one, get a specialist or an xray at least.
I hurt my back pretty bad after getting smacked by a big lip shortboarding quite a few years back and trotted off to my chiro for treatment. After a month or so it got better so I thought great but a few weeks later surfing the back went again but worse. My gym instructor friend saw I was in a bit of pain and referred me to a sports physio who wouldnt touch me until I had a CT Scan Xray. Turns out I had a herniated disc in L5 so a treatment/rehab plan was worked out and all was 100% after about 6 months. No problems at all since
Hi Teeps, I met you and your terrific family down at Williamstown once. Billboard is right but I think that OG Sup might be your man on this one. He has had a Laminectomy (Fusing of one or more vertabrae together). I, unfortunately could have to go down the same path. The neurosurgeon I was referred to, who is also a Professor at Melbourne Uni. said that most people at any one time have a number of issues with their back. The trigger for the problem can be the critical issue. I demonstrated Discus to some students (I'm a PE Teacher) and then played Field Hockey that night. As I twisted to chase a ball the small tear that I felt doing Discus became a massive one. The Physio wouldn't touch me until I'd seen my GP and had Xrays and an MRI done. I found that I had a condition called (canal Stenosis) on L2, L3 and L4. No cartilage left between the discs. The doc said I'd probably had it for a while but the "Trigger" had inflamed it. Supping is one of the best excercises in the world for strengthening your core muscles. I did the injury 4 years ago and even though I've had small relapses I've had two more MRI's done and there is no perceptible degeneration. Firstly see your GP and get Xrays and an MRI done as the problem may just be the tip of the iceberg. Secondly do long paddles regularly to improve your strength without straining your core before attempting to over stretch it. Chiro's have their place but they certainly don't have much more than a working knowledge of muscle physiology. See a Physio at the very least and get some advice. Get on top of it ASAP as the consequences down the track can be very debilitating. Again OG sup seems to have had a lot of experience and is probably the best to ask. Maybe you should PM him.
a bit of a different view point. there are so many ways to paddle and most likely a lot wouldn't be that good for your body. things like how you take your paddle out of the water- height, how far back the handle comes back to your body, the angle across the body.
and that,s just taking the paddle out of the water ready for the next stroke. i would suggest if anyone is hurting their lower back most probably the technique needs a change.
one piece of good advice i got was to keep your body loose and let it move around, however that doesn't mean excessive 'dipping', more of let the hips rotate and the feet shouldn't be clawing at the board
most people when paddling slowly look nice and relaxed, the trick is keeping the body relaxed and moving when your putting it in. locking up every core muscle including hip flexers is not good and only wears you out quickly anyway.
WOW! Thanks everyone. Feeling a bit overwhelmed with all of the posts and guidance.
I think it's definitely a combination of using new muscles (I haven't quite lost the belly yet!), lack of strength, and technique.
Leroy, the doc and the chiro has given me the all-clear in terms of any bone damage or disc involvement. He's really good and I have been seing him for years, usually only once or twice to fix problems, so he's not a leach like I know some can be.
It's definitely muscular. Seems to be at all the attachment points; the lower lats, where they attach at the back and ribs, and lower back where the glutes attach. Sitting at a computer for a job all day doesn't help at all.
I got to a point where I was feeling good, then went out again and probably got a bit too excited. So I need to just rest it.
I also think a few of you were spot-on with technique issues. I have gone in hard since I discovered my new passion, and probably need to ease up and weight for my body to adapt.
Thanks for the article link CMC!
I have recently helped someone out who is going to in-turn help me a bit with technique, which will definitely be a good thing.
Laceys, I think you have something with the laying loose comment - I notice I get very tense, so I will keep an eye on it.
I saw a very excellent sports physio when I tore a calf muscle, and I am thinking I may seek a consult with him to get some guidance on strengthening and stretching.
What can I say, there's a lot of love on the water.
cheers everyone.
See you out there real soon
Hi Teeps
If I am not too late to reply. I don't have a core so my back is a problem area. After you get yours thoroughly checked and fixed I find doing a couple of yoga movements helps. When you get up do a "Cat Stretch" and then the "Salute to the Sun" series of movements for about 5 - 10 mins. Start easily and after you warm up you move more quickly. You can look these up on the Net or best to do a few yoga classes. This stetches the muscles and gets the blood flowing into these areas to flush out the build up of junk that causes the muscle to get tight. Another thing between chiro or oesteo visits is to use a tennis ball to self massage any tender areas. Usually the more tender the erea that is the area to target. Lay on a tennis ball and roll it across the muscles that run on each side of your spine. Do one side at a time. Start at the bottom and move the ball up in small increments. Also you can do your bum with the ball as well. Especially the top area. A bit hard to explain on here tho. Also you should check with your chiro etc just to be sure you would be able to do these. cheers hope it goes well
Hi Teeps - I think I've gone through the same thing and mine is virtually cured now. I was getting on smaller and smaller boards and putting more and more strain on the back muscles as I had to keep paddling and bracing to stay upright. This inflamed my muscles in the lower back.
I found that going onto bigger boards where my muscles got a chance to relax a bit during sessions + stretching my gluts, released all the tension.
Stand up straight, lift left knee up to 90deg, grab it with right hand and pull it to the right and hold for at least 10 seconds - this should pull in your gluts (aka your ass) and immediately release the muscle tension
Thanks guys, both of those stretches really seem to target the area. It appears that I could truly be a tight-arse!
I did some yoga many years ago so it might be a good thing to try and fit it.
If its really painfull , like i mean oh **** type pain . go get a scan and take it to a pysio.
if its protruding disks, he may tell you to ly flat on your back for three days , pop panodol . and then keep surfing
lying down arching your back is the best thing.
sitting down is the worst.
try putting ther computor higher and standing at work
only my two bobs worth.