Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

More about Power Balance Bands

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2010
VIC, 8020 posts
8 Sep 2010 1:17PM
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This was the poll results a moment ago...

Poll: Do you believe the Power Balance bands work?
Yes 12%
No 88%
Total votes: 5482

NSW, 72 posts
8 Sep 2010 7:19PM
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I wore mine to the pub last friday. I still managed to fall down the stairs when i left. It seems 20 stubbies has a greater effect than a couple of holograms. who would have thought!!!
I'll try it next week without one and see if i fall over sooner.
I'll keep you posted with the results.

VIC, 5033 posts
8 Sep 2010 7:54PM
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Maybe it enhances the effect of the alcohol and you'll fall down sooner.

The hologram knows what you want to do and makes it happen faster, better, stronger.

VIC, 3982 posts
8 Sep 2010 8:35PM
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Simondo said...

This was the poll results a moment ago...

Poll: Do you believe the Power Balance bands work?
Yes 12%
No 88%
Total votes: 5482

Follow up question: Poll: Have you bought a Power Balance band?
Yes 12%
No 88%
Total votes: 5482

3952 posts
8 Sep 2010 7:56PM
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I wish I was smart enough to buy the company that brought them here.

WA, 2222 posts
8 Sep 2010 11:39PM
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Me too. "Never underestimate the power of human stupidity".

VIC, 3982 posts
9 Sep 2010 1:52AM
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I think there's a bigger market in cynicism. I want to tap that 88%.

WA, 846 posts
9 Sep 2010 2:08PM
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Hey Oliver, didn't you buy one of these a while back. Do you still rate them?

QLD, 3356 posts
9 Sep 2010 4:12PM
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i haven't broken a leg since i put one on, so it's staying on

WA, 1313 posts
9 Sep 2010 2:38PM
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My brother in law is the WA distributor for Power balance and has done all the test's on me, even a new one where they make you hold your phone and balance. I think it is all a bunch of BS that a hologram or two can even out your bodies frequencies and give you super human strengths. Having said that I can't deny that there isn't a difference when doing the tests, so maybe all the research is actually going into tests that will make the band appear super human..

Would I spend $60 on one? No. Do I wear one? Yes.

355 posts
9 Sep 2010 4:39PM
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i realy dont want to belive them and i dont in the way they trick you when they do the tests on you but we did our own bunch of blind test on indo board puting the band in a match box and on a few people and on average they did have the tinniest bit better ballace when they unknowingly had it in there had maybe if you equate it to its cost about $4 worth.

i still do not ware one

VIC, 1696 posts
9 Sep 2010 9:44PM
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$1.99 on ebay, if you believe.
personally I think someone was very clever to use the excess silicon off those other silicon bands produced. you know the ones with the messages.

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
10 Sep 2010 7:11AM
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I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


NSW, 31 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:56AM
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Not sure if you guys have seen this youtube clip, but I found it interesting...

It's about the science behind the power bands and it is an unashamedly sceptical view.


QLD, 2039 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:58AM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

I'm not for or against them, I don't wear one but that is more because I am a tight ass than that I don't believe.

That said, the worlds best athletes will try anything that might give them a competative advantage. If the band even gave them 0.1% better balance, that in some cases may be the difference between winning and loosing. We mere mortals don't generally operate at that level. Generally high end athletes will also try things before they have been proven, as any possible edge is worth it. Honestly if there was any major advantage to wearing them the IOC would have banned them by now, just as they did with the speed swimming suit. So I think it is a bit short sighted to use a group of people that are searching for any slight edge and most likely don't have to fork out the $60 for one as rational, as it is more likley they are the vehicle for some clever marketing.

NSW, 1610 posts
10 Sep 2010 9:45AM
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who really cares what others say decide for yourself and dont be a sheep make up your own mind, if you feel they work for you wear one if you dont well you get the picture.
personaly not for or against powerbands

VIC, 8020 posts
10 Sep 2010 9:52AM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Be careful about calling people on the forum a bunch of kooks! Especially if you have products to endorse.
No one here has really bagged them.... Also, the "88% No" is the public extending outside the forum.

WA, 2222 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:01AM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Ah yes, argumentum ad verecundium. Obviously they work.

The whole rugby team over here were sponsored by a magical fuel product that saved fuel and increased power output. Obviously it worked if some of the country's best athletes endorsed it. Hmm, a bit like Brocky's Polariser. That worked because the country's best driver endorsed it.

I like these threads because it reveals who the weak, stupid and gullible are.

VIC, 1722 posts
10 Sep 2010 10:03AM
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For the record...I still wear mine and will do until it breaks. I wouldn't say I'm a believer
but won't judge people either way.

I did heard a funny comment the other day.

Someone I know told me they were keen to get one and I said you can get them on the
net for under half the $60 retail price. He replied "na, those ones are fake!"

I didn't realise there was real ones.

Anyway, there's the updated, new and improved model now....
These ones really do work!

1145 posts
10 Sep 2010 8:05AM
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Simondo said...

JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Be careful about calling people on the forum a bunch of kooks! Especially if you have products to endorse.
No one here has really bagged them.... Also, the "88% No" is the public extending outside the forum.

Well said Simondo Coming from a sponsored rider, dont put that on twitter, you may loose your ride JB

from kook

NSW, 1519 posts
10 Sep 2010 12:36PM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Aren't the kooks the ones that need them?

SA, 3025 posts
10 Sep 2010 2:32PM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Some of the worlds dumbest athletes i'd say.

its amazing how some tosser on a forum that wears a power band reckons it gives him the right to call everyone else a kook

WA, 24860 posts
10 Sep 2010 5:33PM
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JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Good time to call a press conference and make a formal apology to all us kooks who dont need a gimmick to stand up.

Oh make sure you express your emotions and cry

NSW, 378 posts
10 Sep 2010 10:47PM
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...and then we arrived back on the beach from a julian rocks run - first one too, you down winder guys have something cool there, just have to find one that will float m y big ass -
so anyway wondering up to the shower, beaming with the first deep water paddle my willy would allow, simon turns up with a 'oi you dropped this in the surf!!' and would ya know my power balance band had slipped off!!! in flat water!!! ** what does this mean????? with shock or the suns reflection or the lack of 'band" I fell...!!!
see fellas it does work, thus my research leads me to

and red does make you go faster

3952 posts
10 Sep 2010 9:08PM
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My pb broke and I'd definitely get another, but there is no way on earth I'm not going to pay $60 this time round.

When you wear one you are judged as some sort of retard.

The next one I'll get, I won't pay good money for it.... I',m hoping it will be a gift and I'll wear it with pride - cause I think they work.

message to ungrateful teenage children- If your reading this (which I doubt) it would make a better present than the terrys orange chocolate that you've given me every fathers day and every birthday for the past 5 years.

1672 posts
10 Sep 2010 9:31PM
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oliver said...

My pb broke and I'd definitely get another, but there is no way on earth I'm not going to pay $60 this time round.

When you wear one you are judged as some sort of retard.

The next one I'll get, I won't pay good money for it.... I',m hoping it will be a gift and I'll wear it with pride - cause I think they work.

message to ungrateful teenage children- If your reading this (which I doubt) it would make a better present than the terrys orange chocolate that you've given me every fathers day and every birthday for the past 5 years.


Sick of the chocolate Oliver At least they are getting you something

Im in a catch 22 with mine now, I am a roof Plumber and if I happen to forget to wear it one day at work it worries the **** out of me I may fall off a double story roof
So mind games it plays are probably more powerful than the bracelet itself

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
11 Sep 2010 8:01AM
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Formal apology to anyone who took offence to me using the term "KOOK". It was meant as a generalization of the not-pro, like myself. I would like to to be very clear very clear that any use of the terms "Kook" or "Rookie" by me are not mearnt to be offensive. I will refrain from using these term on the forum as it seems to be upsetting for some, and again I apologise.

I don't know about any scientific proof with the bands, but the proof is in the wearing. Forget any BS about the band giving you super human ability, or extra anything. The properties of the band will at best help you maintain or achieve your own personal best ability by assisting in regulating your body frequency to where it performs at it's best.

I have no affiliation with the company at all, but find that I can notice a difference, so I wear one. If you are lucky enough to have tried one and do not notice a difference, then don't buy one and save your $60! If you believe it's all mind games, then go buy a liberty band for $5 and tell everyone you meet that it works too, you'll be supporting a good cause and if you can convince your mind you'll have the benefits in your performance. If you have tried the band and notice a difference, buy one. Why wouldn't you? I spent more in beer last night. If you haven't honestly tried it, find someone who has one and give it an honest test, only you can be the judge.

Again, apologies for any offence taken, sometimes I forget that writing doesn't always come across the way I intended.


P.s. 62mac, [}:)]

NSW, 2232 posts
Site Sponsor
11 Sep 2010 8:22AM
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loco4olas said...

JB said...

I love how a bunch of kooks on a forum tear the balls out something that some of the worlds best athletes swear on, Hmmmmmmm.

Works for me

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.


Aren't the kooks the ones that need them?

That's why I wear one.

WA, 24860 posts
11 Sep 2010 6:57AM
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No offence taken JB, just having a little fun with it

For the record I am a kook and wearing such a device
would not change that

VIC, 17495 posts
11 Sep 2010 8:59AM
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oliver said...

My pb broke and I'd definitely get another, but there is no way on earth I'm not going to pay $60 this time round.

Just wondering Oliver.

Did it break because it stopped working and the special powers ran out.. or because the band snapped.. and if so.. how'd that happen??

What's the warranty time on them..


VIC, 3982 posts
11 Sep 2010 8:31PM
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DavidJohn said...

oliver said...

My pb broke and I'd definitely get another, but there is no way on earth I'm not going to pay $60 this time round.

Just wondering Oliver.

Did it break because it stopped working and the special powers ran out.. or because the band snapped.. and if so.. how'd that happen??

What's the warranty time on them..


I think Oli's Powerband needed it's own Powerband. But seriously, I am psychologically addicted to wearing Skins compression gear ever since wrecking my back a few months ago. I have no idea, and certainly no scientific proof as to whether Skins will prevent me from tearing a muscle and that probably makes me at least as weak, stupid and gullible as any Powerband wearer. I know I have spent far more than $60 on Skins. But so long as I believe Skins are doing something, then they almost certainly are doing something. I suspect Powerbands are similar - you don't have to see it to believe it, but if you believe it, you might just see it. By that same token, all those cynics who are certain that they will never encounter any magic in their lifetime will almost be right. And that's a little sad too.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"More about Power Balance Bands" started by Simondo