Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

More about Power Balance Bands

Created by Simondo > 9 months ago, 8 Sep 2010
laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 Sep 2010 8:56PM
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power balance is old hat. the energy force bands are the go

WA, 2222 posts
13 Sep 2010 8:13AM
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JB said...

The properties of the band will ... (assist) in regulating your body frequency to where it performs at it's best.

Lol. Really? What is the body frequency? Frequency of what type of field? Electrical? Frequency of what part of the body? Or all of it?

WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2010 10:07AM
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They are cheap in Bali atm

41 posts
13 Sep 2010 12:05PM
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Mahalo everyone, firstly i'd just like to say that i am in no way affiliated with "
power balance", just thought i'd share a little story with you.
It all started in "71 i was on my third tour, lower mekong delta, it had started just like any other day in the jungle i woke up with a giant leech on my c#ck and the uncomfortable vibe of being spooned by my commanding officer.
After breaking camp and heading nor nor west for about 3 hours the platoon came to the edge of a wide river, being the only one with any sup experience i quickly felled a tree and carved a lovely little 10' swallow tail with my swiss army knife, it wasnt till half way across that things went wrong, it all happened so quickly it still seems like a dream, i felt a huge bump, saw the unmistakeable head of a croc that was at least 12 meres long, next thing i was in it mouth and everything went black...........
Fast forward some 38 years its 2009 when i come out of my coma and its a very different world!! i was lucky to be alive but had sustained fairly serious injuries in fact i was just a head ( with a f#ck off beard) and needless to say my return to competition sup ing was looking unfuc$ing likely to say the least!! To cut a long story short i was given a power balance band (well 3 actually) which i made in to a headband, and i will say the results were amazing by the next morning i had a couple of little arms starting to sprout and by the end of the month i had fully grown back all my limbs plus and extra arm!! So does power balance work??? i say see you in molokai 2011.. peace out.

VIC, 8020 posts
13 Sep 2010 2:54PM
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Pure Gold !!
To cut a long storey short....

PS - You should write kids books !

VIC, 5033 posts
13 Sep 2010 4:20PM
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Kids books would be good.

Go to sleep now kiddies because Uncle Polupoluu is hiding under your bed and if you make any noise his disembodied head will come and sit on your face.

60 posts
13 Sep 2010 3:02PM
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Mahalo to you to island bro!!!
Similar story to my then Uncle, who had legally changed to my Aunt who is now my step mom, is now pregnant to my Dad. Anyway its a close family but thats not why Im writing.

Your story brought back some real memorys after my mom had trouble concieving, see I live and grew up 350km west of Meegathara on a cattle station with my folks and 5 sisters, we didnt see anyone else for maybe 18 to 24 months, back to the story.... My mom wanted desperaltely to fall pregnant and really wanted a boy.....but could not, the doctors mentioned it was either having her tubes tied or maybe the ill treated coat hanger my dad used once on a poddy calf prior to my mom using it....another story.....anyway after buying a balance band online, my mom is now 4 months up the duff and by crikey im tellin you the truth, 4 outa my 5 sisters are pregers too, the youngest is only 15 and my dad rekons she will be the next cause he can tell these things.... thanks for your story... you are an inspiration to all.


WA, 15849 posts
13 Sep 2010 3:08PM
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melbkiter said...

Mahalo to you to island bro!!!
Similar story to my then Uncle, who had legally changed to my Aunt who is now my step mom, is now pregnant to my Dad. Anyway its a close family but thats not why Im writing.

Your story brought back some real memorys after my mom had trouble concieving, see I live and grew up 350km west of Meegathara on a cattle station with my folks and 5 sisters, we didnt see anyone else for maybe 18 to 24 months, back to the story.... My mom wanted desperaltely to fall pregnant and really wanted a boy.....but could not, the doctors mentioned it was either having her tubes tied or maybe the ill treated coat hanger my dad used once on a poddy calf prior to my mom using it....another story.....anyway after buying a balance band online, my mom is now 4 months up the duff and by crikey im tellin you the truth, 4 outa my 5 sisters are pregers too, the youngest is only 15 and my dad rekons she will be the next cause he can tell these things.... thanks for your story... you are an inspiration to all.


Dads name is Fritzel ya

NSW, 231 posts
13 Sep 2010 5:19PM
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Is Melbkiter's story anything to do with Jb being married to his mum?

JB said...

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.

218 posts
13 Sep 2010 3:30PM
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jedijunglsno said...

Is Melbkiter's story anything to do with Jb being married to his mum?

JB said...

I wear one 24/7, as does my wife and mother.

Classic well spotted

VIC, 3829 posts
13 Sep 2010 5:46PM
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I think Oli's Powerband needed it's own Powerband. But seriously, I am psychologically addicted to wearing Skins compression gear ever since wrecking my back a few months ago. I have no idea, and certainly no scientific proof as to whether Skins will prevent me from tearing a muscle and that probably makes me at least as weak, stupid and gullible as any Powerband wearer. I know I have spent far more than $60 on Skins. But so long as I believe Skins are doing something, then they almost certainly are doing something. I suspect Powerbands are similar - you don't have to see it to believe it, but if you believe it, you might just see it. By that same token, all those cynics who are certain that they will never encounter any magic in their lifetime will almost be right. And that's a little sad too.

You can get Slazenger skins cheap in Big W...half the price same effect.........I am in no way affiliated with Slazenger or Big W


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"More about Power Balance Bands" started by Simondo