I have lost 10kg using this program I come up with , only lasts a hour with warm up and cool down. 3 x 3min skipping 3 x 3min bag. Deadlifts 3 x 5 to 6 reps heavy weight , chins 3 x 10 full extension , burpees 3 x 10 to15 reps with weights. Tabata session on rowing machine 25 seconds on hard 10 second rest for 4 mins. Light weights bicep curls , shoulder press front and behind , bent over row done maximum speed with good form 30 seconds with 30 second rest. Then bench with heavy weight 5 to 6 reps until failure. Might throw in some squat jumps as well. Trains your whole body as one and trains all energy systems in one session. I do this 3 times a week. Gradually adding weight and intensity At close to 43 im close to the best shape of my life. Im a big believer in working the whole body as one , not compartmentalising as a lot of programs advocate. Also you need virtually no expensive gear or gym fees , just motivation. Any ways it has worked for me , quick fun as hard as you want to make it.
Second vid doesn't load..
Training sounds great and looks great.. Doing well bloody hope I'm that fit at 43!
Second vid doesn't load..
Training sounds great and looks great.. Doing well bloody hope I'm that fit at 43!
The best part Andy is I still drink heaps of beer , just eat non processed foods and cut out as much sugar as possible, pretty simple really. If you only do one exercise I would recommend you try burpees , they are the king of exercises I rekon. They are not easy even with just body weight. I didn't mention I usually don't train by the clock I train by my breathing , it is important to get maximal gains by allowing full recovery between sets and reps. And a clock wont tell you this your breathing will , it will also tell you if you are being intense enough.
Nice one Teatree is that the roof making the noise while your on the bag
I retuned to the gym 14 months ago lost 16 kg but have put on 7 since setting
new goals,train 5 days pre week.Dead lifts are the mother of all exercisers full
body workout.
Nice one Teatree is that the roof making the noise while your on the bag
I retuned to the gym 14 months ago lost 16 kg but have put on 7 since setting
new goals,train 5 days pre week.Dead lifts are the mother of all exercisers full
body workout.
Nah that's sound effects mate , Lol. Yeah my strength has gone through the roof since ive been doing deadlifts. Notice how hard you breath afterwards? I now only weigh 84kg but I am heaps stronger than when I weighed 95KG.Plus the ass of my sup doesn't sink as much
Nice one Teatree is that the roof making the noise while your on the bag
I retuned to the gym 14 months ago lost 16 kg but have put on 7 since setting
new goals,train 5 days pre week.Dead lifts are the mother of all exercisers full
body workout.
+1 for dead lifts
Yes for sure mate burpies and dead lifts are part of my weekly training. I've just started using kettle bells and loving them. With my boxing.
If you have never done deadlifts before don't just give them a go after watching a YouTube video
Get a trainer or someone that really knows their stuff to show u properly and do not be afraid to start way lighter than u feel u should until u get the technique right
Can be a great exercise - can be a fast track to hospital and debilitating injury