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Packing Paddle and Board for O/S Bali Trip

Created by Ioz > 9 months ago, 12 Dec 2012
WA, 491 posts
12 Dec 2012 8:38PM
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I Managed to get a sneaky week in Bali before Christimas and this will be the first time i have taken a sup overseas.

Got the new Flying Objects board and paddle bags and am wondering what is the best ways to pack these.

i should imagine seperate, but has anyone had any experiance on what the best packing system is for these two pieces of kit ?

WA, 7436 posts
12 Dec 2012 9:24PM
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cardboard on rails, bubble wrap around the lot. tuck paddle(in cover) in matching deck curve. pool noodle next to paddle(cut in half). All in Da Kine 10mm coffin travel bag. 2 times with airasia no issues.

More handles on bag help baggage handlers so they do not kick/throw things

WA, 1313 posts
12 Dec 2012 10:37PM
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I've heard putting some PVC piping around the shaft stops it from being crushed, then just pack a towel underneath the curve of the shaft/blade and it should be all good.

But as Hilly says protect those rails.

WA, 3486 posts
12 Dec 2012 11:23PM
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I reckon the paddle is the biggest worry.

This year I put my Kialoa paddle in it's padded cover in my 6'4 short board coffin bag with the handle hanging out the end, my kite harness around the blade and tail of my shortboard/kiteboard, with one rolled kite each side of the shaft and had no worries. My SUP was just in another padded board bag by itself with a towel and some clothing protecting it (yep I had a ship load of gear but it is pretty cheap with Air Asia).
I now use a KeNalu paddle and am heading over in March just taking a SUP, I think I will remove the blade and handle and put them in my carry on bag and put the shaft inside a pvc pipe in my SUP bag along with towel and clothing.
I have already booked accommodation and my room has a hair dryer so I will assemble my paddle there.

QLD, 251 posts
13 Dec 2012 1:47PM
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i keep em separate. no chance of damage then.

WA, 240 posts
15 Dec 2012 2:07AM
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I always use the boardbag as my main 'suitcase'.

Pack towels, shirts, boardies, rashies etc and most of my stuff which protects the paddle and board, never had any issues. Check in a boardbag and then carry on a backpack - too easy.



NSW, 282 posts
20 Dec 2012 6:14AM
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Towels an clothes I took an 8 ft sup on the boat to gland had no damage on board both flights and boat trip sickest place to sup was sanur reef yewww


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Packing Paddle and Board for O/S Bali Trip" started by Ioz