Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Paddle Fit coming to NZ and Oz

Created by Rawz > 9 months ago, 25 Sep 2014
WA, 58 posts
25 Sep 2014 6:39PM
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Hey Guys

Looks like Brody Welte is finally bringing Paddlefit to New Zealand and Australia! Dates are in early November and listed on the website:

He's also offering a discount to the first 6 people that sign up for Level 1 and 2 and 6 more discounts for those that sign up for Level 3.
Code is: NZ/AU50
The code will give $50 off of each class

Lock it in Eddie

QLD, 3358 posts
26 Sep 2014 1:45AM
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What does this get you in Australia? Its not like you can be a PT after doing this course. Before paying all that money I would check to see if this even has any credit in Aus? Might be big in the USA even though I'm here now and this is the first I have heard of it.
If it is all legit and stuff in Aus thats cool but from what I understand there is alot of work to get this kind of thing to be recognized in Aus? Maybe someone who has done the course could answer?

VIC, 17513 posts
26 Sep 2014 8:43AM
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Rawz said..
Hey Guys

Looks like Brody Welte is finally bringing Paddlefit to New Zealand and Australia! Dates are in early November and listed on the website:

He's also offering a discount to the first 6 people that sign up for Level 1 and 2 and 6 more discounts for those that sign up for Level 3.
Code is: NZ/AU50
The code will give $50 off of each class

Lock it in Eddie

Does this mean it will cost more than $50..

QLD, 1535 posts
26 Sep 2014 6:44PM
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How did I ever learn to SUP without paying to go to a class?


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddle Fit coming to NZ and Oz" started by Rawz