Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Paddle length for the Surf

Created by Th0m0 > 9 months ago, 24 Jan 2016
QLD, 529 posts
24 Jan 2016 6:50PM
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I've been out of the loop for about 12 months. Back then everyone was going shorter. Shorter than head high. Whats the current thinking?

QLD, 459 posts
24 Jan 2016 6:56PM
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Mines at head high mate but I've seen a few around the chin too.... Anywhere in between I reckon....

NSW, 1016 posts
24 Jan 2016 8:21PM
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different strokes for different folks.... you can always cut it shorter....but you cant glue it back on!! I cut 20mm at a time till I was happy. hacksaw Araldite glue and hairdyer you can fine happy place

VIC, 17495 posts
24 Jan 2016 9:24PM
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For anyone new I'd recomend not going any shorter than 6" overhead.. and then if you choose go down to about 4" (what I like) and if you're serious and riding very small boards head high seems about what the really good guys use..

NSW, 181 posts
25 Jan 2016 7:29AM
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Yeah I agree, it really depends how low in the water you are on your board.
My paddle is at the bridge of my nose for boards that are very low volume, but a little longer for my nose rider.
Trial and error.

QLD, 2286 posts
25 Jan 2016 7:41AM
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It depends on your level of skill as DJ points out.

The old measure was 6" above head height for surfing. As boards got smaller and moves became more aggressive lengths dropped to assist with changing hands and the use of the paddle in hard turns.

I run mine at 4" above. However I don't ride small boards and I am too old for radical turns. As Sweeper says you can always cut it down.

Watch other SUPsurfers, talk to other SUPsurfers and experiment till you find what suits you and your style of surfing.

There is no "one size fits all" measure.


QLD, 529 posts
25 Jan 2016 9:55AM
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Thanks for the replies. I've got a paddle cut at head height and one about 5 inches over. I've been using the longer one lately and just wanted to check the thinking hadn't changed radically before I started experimenting with the shorter one again.

WA, 712 posts
25 Jan 2016 8:09AM
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Dropped down to head height now. I ride a 7/10 X32 and a 8/8 x32 with the same paddle. Seems fine.


5136 posts
25 Jan 2016 2:57PM
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Just use the head high one. For surfing, if you are unsure, just cut to your height.

Then, you can experiment shorter for more radical action, or longer (but no more than 4") for a mix of cruising/surfing.

Smaller blads can be cut shorter than bigger blades for the same feeling.

I have 3 main paddles, cut at -2", +0, +2". I use mainly the +0. I use the -2" for good conditions, and I nearly never use the +2" anymore.

QLD, 60 posts
25 Jan 2016 5:25PM
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Wouldn't go longer than head high, paddle just gets hung up too much

WA, 768 posts
27 Jan 2016 12:51PM
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Let's not forget that yes shorter is great for chucking the paddle about laying into turns
But at head high you can loose a bit of balance as you are always having to bend and when you are tired bending is the last thing you want to do .
Also the factor that head high will give you a painfull back if paddling waiting for waves
I feel 3 to 4 above is good for me any way
I think mine is at 3 about now but my new paddles will be 4 above

5136 posts
27 Jan 2016 2:31PM
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Foam said..
Also the factor that head high will give you a painfull back if paddling waiting for waves

With some experience, no. You learn to just lower your arms relative to your shoulders (and it reduces a lot the stress on the shoulders) while waiting for waves, and bend the knees rather than the lower back when you want to sprint.

WA, 768 posts
27 Jan 2016 3:22PM
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3 or 4 above works for me

317 posts
27 Jan 2016 3:32PM
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Never would have thought so, but adjustable paddles are sweet. I have three boards and have different lengths for each board and how my body is feeling. Sounds crazy, but I can tell a difference by changing my length just barely. Like, 2-3 cm and I can tell it's too long or too short. Adjustable paddles are great. I use a Kialoa and it's solid.

5136 posts
28 Jan 2016 2:32PM
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JKimbler said..
Never would have thought so, but adjustable paddles are sweet. I have three boards and have different lengths for each board and how my body is feeling. Sounds crazy, but I can tell a difference by changing my length just barely. Like, 2-3 cm and I can tell it's too long or too short. Adjustable paddles are great. I use a Kialoa and it's solid.

I second this. I would never use an adjustable as my main paddle (heavier, less durable), but having a spare one to test lengths and lend to friends is quite useful. Be on the lookout for sales on them and get one in your quiver.

Carles RSPro
35 posts
29 Jan 2016 1:12AM
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Like most things surfing wise ... you'll never be happy at all and you'll always will love it shorter in some conditions or longer in some others.

You have 2 options:
1. Get 3 paddles with 3 different sizes: Colas option is the right one
2. Use and enjoy what you have. Can be done ;-)

QLD, 529 posts
29 Jan 2016 6:14PM
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Ha! So true Carles. I'm actually enjoying my longer paddle at the moment. It just feels right. So I think I'll stick with it for a while longer.

981 posts
29 Jan 2016 6:19PM
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Another option is to get the Ke Nalu with the extended handle.If you cut slightly too short you have enough length left to use it on your old length while they are lighter and stronger as most adj paddles.I gradually lowered from the very old 1 shaka above your head from the very beginning (at that point low!) to chinhigh for on my small board (8.5x29x112l while i,m 93kg + wearing 5mm suit, boots, hood etc).
My 2th paddle for my bigger board is just below headhigh and that diff feels huge!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddle length for the Surf" started by Th0m0