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Paddling the Murrumbidgee??

Created by JBFletch > 9 months ago, 27 Oct 2011
QLD, 1287 posts
27 Oct 2011 5:40PM
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On our long haul drive to Adelaide, for the Jetty 2 Jetty race, we decided to stop and have a cool off paddle.

Was almost glassy and dead DEAD flat.

A nice change from the chop and sway of the of the east coast ocean swells.

just wondering if anyone has SUP'd at and around the town of HAY or can we claim it as a "1st decent"???

(had major potential for a flat water race venue, and is smack bang in the middle for Syd, Melb and Adelaide paddlers)

WA, 3 posts
27 Oct 2011 9:04PM
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I was born, & lived in Hay until 18mths ago, there's been plenty of "action" on the Murrumbidgee, but you are probably the 1st to SUP it, congratulations!!

Over the years there have been a few 20-50km kayak races, & you're correct it would make a great spot for an inter-state challenge

QLD, 1287 posts
28 Oct 2011 6:40AM
Thumbs Up

I'll tell my partner in crime he'll be stoked.

after sitting at dinner we realised we shouldve taken so pics.

thanks for the reply.

look forward to doing it again


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Paddling the Murrumbidgee??" started by JBFletch