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Created by AndyR > 9 months ago, 28 Dec 2015
QLD, 1344 posts
28 Dec 2015 11:12AM
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Its rare QLD gets 6 or 7 days of green arrows and all time southerly to south East wind 20kn or more for so many days in a row.

WA, 874 posts
28 Dec 2015 11:38AM
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Looks great Perth weather but your swell is better

QLD, 137 posts
30 Dec 2015 10:48AM
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I can think of a worse holiday than setting up camp at that little beach at Port of Brisbane and doing 2 paddles a day for a week straight. Cant believe you guys have kept that paddle such a good secret. Cant imagine anywhere in Oz getting much better than that. If I was into racing, I'd be lobbying whoever is in charge of the QLD and AUS titles and doing that run with a few days waiting period and you'd have a race to rival the King of the Cut... Or better still, get another Non Event style race hapenning there...

angie pangi
QLD, 1780 posts
30 Dec 2015 1:19PM
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Ok that's enough!

I guess i have to work sometime hahaha

QLD, 1344 posts
30 Dec 2015 2:40PM
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Flounder said...
I can think of a worse holiday than setting up camp at that little beach at Port of Brisbane and doing 2 paddles a day for a week straight. Cant believe you guys have kept that paddle such a good secret. Cant imagine anywhere in Oz getting much better than that. If I was into racing, I'd be lobbying whoever is in charge of the QLD and AUS titles and doing that run with a few days waiting period and you'd have a race to rival the King of the Cut... Or better still, get another Non Event style race hapenning there...

Thats a pretty big wrap!
Ur not the only one to say such big things about our bay runs.
Beauty of brisbane moreton bay is almost all wind directions we have a run that can be done thats minimum 8km stretching to 28km.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
30 Dec 2015 3:04PM
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I reckon a bay race that finishes some where at or just past green island would be perfect. warm down leisure bumps to the port boat ramp.

there is the option of lengthening the run starting at vic point

honking bumps . different depths of water . choose your favourite type of bump.

I rode my f16 yesterday and the more bunched and steeper and winder it got the better.

we get bits that are good but that run was something else. I cant speak of wa but doubt anything better in qld

ill be doing a line closer to wellington point tomorrow

ps wind looks good on the goldie- good day by usual standards, but we are waiting and resting for tomorrows bay run

QLD, 1344 posts
30 Dec 2015 7:28PM
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Yeah lacey i reckon if it was a race maybe a vic point to manly harbour it would have to be. No way would they ever give a permit to finish a race on a weekend at the port boat ramp. Unless we had deeeep pockets.
The warm down part is often good lets everyone catch up and have a chat for last km or so crusing in.

Otherside of port (mouth of bris river) to redcliffe on a more straight SSe or southerly run is full on bumps from start to finish right to the beach and dead straight. My favourite but thats only to stir nick up.

I cant say anything about other runs in aus but the bay is straight wind behind back the whole way with no lulls with very little swell in effect its pretty much perfect. I reckon much like melbourne. Very different to open ocean down winders.

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
30 Dec 2015 8:05PM
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Was planning on a rest day today, but ended up doing a short run in the arvo.
Frothing for my first bay dw run tomorrow :-)

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
31 Dec 2015 6:04PM
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Well that was mad.
Best ive ever done.

Ali Cat
QLD, 1205 posts
31 Dec 2015 6:31PM
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Yep, that was pretty damn awesome today!

QLD, 1344 posts
31 Dec 2015 7:19PM
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Yeah I am with you lacey, that would have to be the cleanest run I have ever done, up there with one of the best for me for sure.

Ali you are a machine on a 23 wide ace and killing it.

QLD, 187 posts
3 Jan 2016 5:29AM
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There was a few handy paddlers in Brisbane over the week ! here are a few pics.

VIC, 17515 posts
3 Jan 2016 8:40AM
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Awesome.. It's great to see more and more people realizing that DWing is where it's at..

QLD, 700 posts
3 Jan 2016 8:55AM
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We love DWing up here DJ but usually in small groups or by yourself. A lot of people cant handle the open ocean or getting in and out thru the break.
Brisbane let us get a whole new crew out for some awesome runs. Short n long. Myself, Matty Nottage n Ben Tardrew rckon we got some runs that lasted well over 60 secs.
So probably a lot like your bay...

QLD, 1344 posts
3 Jan 2016 8:21PM
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Solo is best. That way when you tell everyone how good it was its like a fishing tail. The size of the drops and the length of the runners were thiiiiiis biiiiiig

Dorries thats some long runners. I long the day I got the skills to be surfing bumps that long

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
3 Jan 2016 9:47PM
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my f 16 absolutely loved the shorter meaner and steepest bumps I could find.

a few of us took the more direct shallower line then the first day where we were directed to the channel.

that's was the gold. seemingly never ending bump rides.

all I had to do was dodge the weed

QLD, 187 posts
4 Jan 2016 7:03AM
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Dale very kindly gave me some of his footage to make a quick edit of one of the runs he did on the 17'10 NSP DC....what a board, and Dale is an awesome paddler. Turn it up LOUD and enjoy.

QLD, 700 posts
4 Jan 2016 8:00AM
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AndyR said...
Solo is best. That way when you tell everyone how good it was its like a fishing tail. The size of the drops and the length of the runners were thiiiiiis biiiiiig

Dorries thats some long runners. I long the day I got the skills to be surfing bumps that long

I noticed you were all beaming and still trlling tall tales. I reckon you loved the company...

QLD, 137 posts
5 Jan 2016 7:51AM
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nickmcd41 said..
Dale very kindly gave me some of his footage to make a quick edit of one of the runs he did on the 17'10 NSP DC....what a board, and Dale is an awesome paddler. Turn it up LOUD and enjoy.

Forget what you hear about big boards not fitting into the bumps. I found on both days that once you get going on the big boards, you get to link the big bumps and ride straight over the top of the little ones in between.
I've had a go of Alain's 17'10 NSP. A bit wider than Dale's and I reckon it'd be perfect for you guys for Moreton Bay! Alain won't need much convincing to come up and do that run once he gets back home so hit him up for a go!

QLD, 1344 posts
5 Jan 2016 8:34PM
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Flounder said...
nickmcd41 said..
Dale very kindly gave me some of his footage to make a quick edit of one of the runs he did on the 17'10 NSP DC....what a board, and Dale is an awesome paddler. Turn it up LOUD and enjoy.

Forget what you hear about big boards not fitting into the bumps. I found on both days that once you get going on the big boards, you get to link the big bumps and ride straight over the top of the little ones in between.
I've had a go of Alain's 17'10 NSP. A bit wider than Dale's and I reckon it'd be perfect for you guys for Moreton Bay! Alain won't need much convincing to come up and do that run once he gets back home so hit him up for a go!

You guys are clearly showing that big boards are just as good as anything in the bay stuff. The key seems
To be coming to the end of a runner and the length holding that speed to paddle like you say over and onto the next run.

QLD, 1344 posts
5 Jan 2016 8:36PM
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petedorries said...
AndyR said...
Solo is best. That way when you tell everyone how good it was its like a fishing tail. The size of the drops and the length of the runners were thiiiiiis biiiiiig

Dorries thats some long runners. I long the day I got the skills to be surfing bumps that long

I noticed you were all beaming and still trlling tall tales. I reckon you loved the company...

tall tails from nick, yes i agree anything he says with him involved he adds height to

We do want to see you crew up here every time its blowing.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
6 Jan 2016 6:18PM
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nickmcd41 said...
Dale very kindly gave me some of his footage to make a quick edit of one of the runs he did on the 17'10 NSP DC....what a board, and Dale is an awesome paddler. Turn it up LOUD and enjoy.

Actually dale, shieldsy and myself where all trading bumps for a fair while but we got edited out.

Didnt want any riff raff in there

QLD, 187 posts
7 Jan 2016 6:53AM
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Hahaha Lacey this is true. Dale gave me this footage from his first run, and is getting the last days footage up to me this weekend. Don't hold your breath to have a starring role in the that one either, you, Ali and shieldsy were too far in front !!i

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
11 Jan 2016 11:32AM
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Looking like saturday is going to be really windy with big swell.
So the bay is looking the goods and the tides are on side

QLD, 700 posts
11 Jan 2016 2:04PM
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laceys lane said..
Looking like saturday is going to be really windy with big swell.
So the bay is looking the goods and the tides are on side

Will someone come along and help Old man Chapman carry his board again???

QLD, 137 posts
11 Jan 2016 4:09PM
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laceys lane said..
Looking like saturday is going to be really windy with big swell.
So the bay is looking the goods and the tides are on side

Friday too at this stage. I'm down for Saturday for sure

QLD, 1344 posts
11 Jan 2016 7:15PM
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It will be on this saturday.
We are going to need nicko to organise a big red bus to transport us all

QLD, 27 posts
12 Jan 2016 11:52AM
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Hi Andy R, would love to join, pls let us know, where from, to, time! Sounds like fun!

QLD, 1344 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:31PM
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all that aren't on the BrisSup facebook page. decent group heading out Saturday. Meet at port of Bris boat ramp 1pm to leave by 1:30pm to car shuffle up to clevland. that run is around 16-18km. or few going further up to vic point. 22-24km

remember anyone who isn't from the usual group that goes. you are on ur own out there know your limits and be prepared.

laceys lane
QLD, 19803 posts
14 Jan 2016 6:49PM
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Good message that andy

QLD, 187 posts
14 Jan 2016 11:07PM
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F16 weather Lacey......


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"QLD DW" started by AndyR