Hi all, I've been watching kids ride these Ripsticks down the road looks easy and thought this would be a good thing for balance. I got one and still coming to terms riding it. I found it goes better on a down hill start, I think given more practice this is going be an interesting passtime. Warning if you try one make sure you have a video camera running it could be good for a funny home video
Ripstix of death !!
we haVE lots of new roads up here, yet tobe opened and cats eyed - the section between alstonvile and lismore almost finnished. long walks. bring a friend with a bike.
I ride my kids' ones sometimes-more like snowboard than surf turning-they can be pretty bloody dangerous.
One of my kids' friend's dad-had a go-and fell and smashed his shoulder-out for months and months.
Yep I beleive they could cause serious pain but I am having a little fun with mine definetly not pushing any limits with lots of padding on to. OUCH those videos hurt but a hill like the first Teen with no padding what do you expect!
a surf coach tells me he will be watching his kids squad in a surf session. he'll call one of them in . kid gets in , coach says- you've been on one those rip sticks again haven't you. kid nods his head. coach says i told you not to ride em. he tells me he can pick it a mile away and they surf like cr## after being on them- it's got nothing to do with surfing
I agree with Lacey,all hip and knee movement and no board action,I am sure everyone has seen someone surf like that,the body is wobbling everywhere and not one turn completed.
Dam I cant beleive I just agreed with LL