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DavidJohn said..Great vid.. Great board.. Shame about the music..

Looked like the warp speed before the fall caused the rudder/fin to get too much lift in the same way dagger/pointer fins don't like going downwind fast on a windsurfer.
Great conditions..

Hey DJ,
Was great conditions for sure but I can't blame the fin for the crash at the end. Having spent a lot of time on my Ace over the last couple of years I was being a little lazy with my footwork when I got on the big bullet and should have been moving more to keep the nose clear. She runs faster that way anyway and the link gets easier. Lazy doesn't work.
The day was kind of funny with the wind and chop going a little right to left with the swell coming in left to right. You can see a few times the nose get pushed to the left but as I'm too far forward she wants to trip.
Thought the song "Old Man Sam" kind of suited as to our Irish friend up here I'm know as Old Man Parker. Song was a little flash back for me kind of anyway.