As a newbie to DWers, curious to hear opinions of what is best to do with your leg rope when coming into the shore break.
Hope it doesn't break!
Are you talking about beach landings or simply trying to not let your board nose dive up to 25ft in front of you once it stretches out?
referring to coming into a shore break for a beach landing after completing the DW run.
baldrick said..
DWers beware leg ropes hoping off hoping not bad beach collision shore break bad scary experience.
Hi Chris, Depending on conditions I usually release my leggy just before thebreakers and hang onto it (with paddle in opposite hand) when it's around 15-20+kts with a solid swell running. I do this mostly to remain independent or from being dragged in any particular direction. With leggy removed your more stable, both feet on the ground and ready to deal with whatever's coming next? When closer to shore you can reel it in, grab the handle and drag it ashore! Otherwise if it's under 15 kts and knee high... it won't really matter!? May be worth having a chat Dave Slater (snapped board) and Thomas Nador (broken ankle) both occurred coming ashore and both interesting stories!
Why take it off? Just surf or paddle into the shallows. I wouldn't take off the leash until I'm in less than 0.5m of water.
Depends on whether the wind is onshore or side-shore at your exit point. If side-shore, then imaging getting dumped at the breakers and your board flying off with the wind down the beach - you're never going to get it back. If the wind is onshore then it doesn't really matter, unless you wipe out somebody else with your loose board.