I have a small ding put into my board from the least expected circumstance when a little kid wiped out on his bicycle onto my board.
It's a very small ding.
I had some BIG dings a year ago at the same place and managed to make the repair by cutting out sections of the board and replacing foam, but am looking at something a little simpler this time around.
Would a bit of araldite harm the EPS foam? Cover that with some glass and and another coating then a quick sanding? Please help. Thanks.
It depends how big or deep it is and where it is on the board, you don't want to create a hard spot in an area on the board where it needs to flex, along the rail in the standing area for example, this can cause it to crack. It's always best to try to repair it back to the way it was.
How have your previous repairs stood up? sounds like you were doing the right thing.