Hey guys..some good waves on the East Coast NZ over the Easter Break. Heres a few still photos. but....I managed to snap 2 leashes in 4 days which led to a 300m swim in x2 and a board on the rocks,,,SO i need to replace my leash and wondering what other SUP surfers are using in terms of length in sub- 8ft SUP boards.
Chur and thanks in advance
Nice one - west coast has been fun too.
Old thread on the matter:
I had been snapping them like dried spaghetti until moving to a thicker creatures of leisure. (9-10 mm thick)
Thanks guys..leashlok looks good. And will look at post..on the nosa paddle forum most guy riding sub 8ft boards are using 6-7ft leashes
Bahaha agreed Foam..10mm..you think that must b able to handle some seriously pumping waves..your leg would rip out before that leash snapped ..
The 10mm storm rider is the only leggy that I trust. I've been using them for 3 yrs now and haven't broken one yet. I started using them after breaking numerous 8mm leashes.
Loz what length leash do you use
Mine is 8 foot from memory, that's a stock size. I think you can get custom lengths made too from balin. Great lease and save board from going over the falls.. Only negative is that I get my paddle caught up in it on top turns occasionally as cord is quite stiff....
Bruzzy, my experience with certain brand of 10mm leggie in juicey waves is there is no/minimal stretch in those suckers. If you like being dragged backwards underwater and nearly having your hip/knee/ankle dislocated they are fine. I replace mine at least every 10/12 months cause I hate swimming.
My latest choice after much research....(as I was curious what the Hawaiian brothers choice of leggie was) is this one
Just my 2 bobs worth and hope it helps,
kia ora,
Thought you rural fellas down the East Coast'd just plat up a length of this stuff wouldn't ya?
I doubt the east coast boys would use new twine..far better to strip a few bails and re-use the old stuff.
8' long, 10" Balin Storm for me, they do give you a fair old pull but because of minimal stretch they don't tend to slingshot the board back to you like some and being only short it is quick to retrieve your board.
I have used Creatures outer reef leggies for years before that with a pretty good success rate, I don't think they make an 8 though I used to use 9 or 10'.
Too true..drag over swim anytime..and us coasties just weave the flax leash bro ..yeah nah..
Chur..thanks again
swimming sux
I always go about the length of my board
I've gone to leashlok hawaii now and working well so far
I have been using a standard 8' NSP surf leash for the last few years and had no problems and haven't snapped one yet. I used to have an expensive brand leash that snapped in waist high waves so go figure.
In the old days we use to use a piece of rope with a sock tied on to the end .never broke them.
10 mm little creature s 8 ft.for me
they don't seem to drag as much as the rope .plus I've run out of footy socks .
Have a brand new 10 foot creatures of leisure outer reef tucked away purely for big spooky days......think the 12 foot is better as has more stretch and less inclined to fin cuts but can be hard to get the 12 footer these days. Smaller days......just whatever takes your fancy :)
Chur Gizzie.I went with the 8ft balin 10mm in the end but going to get a Dakine Kainui SUP leash as well