Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Sore feet

Created by Paddles B'mere > 9 months ago, 6 Dec 2010
Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2010 11:01AM
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I've just started to SUP on flat water and have been for only a few paddles, but man alive, my feet hurt from maintaining my balance for any period of time. Is this normal? I've surfed for years but have never had this feeling before, it's a sore muscle style pain in the insteps of my feet and goes up into my lower leg. Am I just using muscles that I've never had to use before?

VIC, 8020 posts
6 Dec 2010 12:47PM
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I think mostly related to starting out, using new muscles, or using muscles in a new way.... Wiggling of the toes, minor feet shuffling, kind of keep the feet doing minor little movement, to encourage blood flow, etc.

I missed Woogie's clinic in Melbourne, but did he have anything to say about this ???

But yes, this is a relatively common problem at the start. Associated with finding with your sea legs.

108 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:49AM
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I think it is relatively common PAD -will improve over time
I noticed a similar issue initially, and if it is a longer session
If you can cope with looking like a dag(I don't need too try to hard) then a pair of booties will add a bit of cushioning that might help also?
Cheers Rod

4627 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:54AM
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Should be a photo of some crocs appear shortly.

Fred Rubble
WA, 96 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:15AM
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I dont think this is a bad thing
Wait until you get back on your normal shortboard
You will probably find your balance has improved and you feel stronger on your feet
I know this was the case with me

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2010 1:00PM
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Thanx lads, sounds like I'm not the only one who's experienced this. I hoped it was just some balancing type muscles that haven't had a workout and that over time they'd just strengthen up and the problem would go away.

VIC, 3982 posts
6 Dec 2010 2:31PM
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Simondo said...

I missed Woogie's clinic in Melbourne, but did he have anything to say about this ???

Yes Woogie addressed tgis question - he feels that it is entirely due to subconsciously trying to grip the board with your toenails. It's a primal response dating back to when we had claws I guess. Woogie's answer is to loosen up and realise that you can't grip the board with your toes, you have to achieve balance with the rest of your body, especially your upper legs and hips, and of course, the paddle. I think it's less about your muscles getting used to it, and more to do with not actually using those muscles as they don't really help.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2010 3:05PM
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That's exactly what's happening with me woody, I'm using my toes to help balance. I'll take that on board and change how I'm doing things. I've also just read an interesting article on ankle and lower leg stretching on the "live life love sup" website so I'll give some of their exercises a go too and see if it helps out.

VIC, 17495 posts
6 Dec 2010 4:16PM
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If it's flat water paddling try wearing Croc's.. They will help heaps..


VIC, 3982 posts
6 Dec 2010 5:33PM
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DavidJohn said...

If it's flat water paddling try wearing Croc's.. They will help heaps..

Flat water? I tried to wear mine in the river but discovered they were salt water Crocs.

Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2010 4:46PM
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Yeah, it's flat water, I'm just a lagoon lurker at the moment. Crocs hey, do they give that bit of support under your instep to help out?

NSW, 408 posts
6 Dec 2010 7:26PM
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Hey PAD,I'm just starting out too and at first I was getting sore toes,ankles,calves,thighs,hips,lower back,shoulders and I've re-agravated an old wrist injury.But that's nothing compaired to the fun I've been having.I've also been going for 2-3hr sesions until I'm absolutly stuffed,but I kind'a want it to hurt though.It's starting to pay off just now,I had a great sesh today in the end I had to jump off cause' I was to hot.

SA, 40 posts
6 Dec 2010 6:57PM
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Vibram Five fingers are the best. Will support your arches and because your toes are separated you base of support is greater so your balance immediately improves and the best thing is once you transition into the surf they will stay on and protect your feet from the reefs. Quite a few of the crew I paddle with have them and the kayakers swear by them too. Expensive here in Aus but I suggest Scout shop etc to try, then buy over the internet as the dollar is so good at the mo. I just ordered replacements from the Kayak Shed in Canada for $80 ($210 here!)Only took 2 weeks to get here.

NSW, 378 posts
6 Dec 2010 8:32PM
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hey pad,

after a paddle, try a tennis ball and roll it around with the arch of your foot you may find the lower part near the heal and the outer edge maybe a bit tender if your lower back is - 10min each foot, see how you feel in the morning...


Paddles B'mere
QLD, 3586 posts
6 Dec 2010 9:43PM
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thanx sal, i'll try that, the article i read said to roll a ball around with your foot too

VIC, 5904 posts
6 Dec 2010 10:59PM
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DavidJohn said...

If it's flat water paddling try wearing Croc's.. They will help heaps..


And the added bonus of wareing crocs is , the likely hood of a port jackson shark comming into shot increases 10 fold .

885 posts
6 Dec 2010 11:10PM
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Just htfu and go bare feet. After 6-8 sessions you'll be fine and have developed strong feet. Happened to all of us when starting out.

Move your toes around a bit and walk about the board every now and then to prevent pins + needles


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Sore feet" started by Paddles B'mere