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Sunny? Coast SUPpers, where R yoos?

Created by bobajob > 9 months ago, 1 May 2016
QLD, 1535 posts
1 May 2016 7:53PM
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I'm up the Sunny coast working, **** surf for the last couple of days. This afternoon, finish work, check the beach between Cotton tree and Alex, and WTF? Look at that, finally surf.
The question is, why am I the only SUPper as far as I (eye) can see? Where is every one? The brennos, The ETs original and other wise? And that's just the folk on here (I'm sure I missed a few).
Why do I have to beat the short boarders off by myself? Doesn't look good as a non local and quite frankly, lousy hospitality by those that live here leaving it to me to fight the hoards!
Hope there is a better showing tomorrow morning as it gets tiring fighting off the hoards by myself.

Disclaimer: No short boarders were harmed when I reflected their evil stares straight back at them with the reflective paddle surface, proving that they're all stare no bite.

QLD, 60 posts
1 May 2016 8:57PM
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Only the kooks sup cotton tree....enjoy

QLD, 2286 posts
2 May 2016 8:50AM
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Wrong part of the coast foe me young man. Besides I am still out with shoulder injury.

There are so many spots on the Subshine Coast that there is no need to surf in a group, Noosa excluded of course.

Please do us all a favour and don't beat anyone with your paddle.

Have lots of fun won't you.


p.s. You won't see ETOriginal down here, he lives in Agnes Waters. Way too far to travel for a morning surf.

QLD, 1535 posts
2 May 2016 12:55PM
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"Only the kooks surf cotton tree....enjoy"

Yeah, I'll leave that to them. It was an unexpected surprise to find the surf clean and as it was getting late there was no time to go elsewhere.

So after realising the error of my ways, it seems that to surf the stretch between Alex and Cotton tree you must bring your "I'm hot look at me attitude." And judging by all the resorts and high rise unit blocks, I guess it lends itself to overcrowding.
Anyways, drove up the road early this morning to around Marcoola way, bugger all people out and those that were out were pretty laid back and friendly. Four hours later.....

Thanks E T, fun was had and no one got beaten!

QLD, 891 posts
2 May 2016 1:02PM
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I'm in aggy too bobajob. And if you're looking for SUPpers there's been a forest of them out here over the last 2 long weekends. Lucky there's 5km of beach!


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Sunny? Coast SUPpers, where R yoos?" started by bobajob