Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Supping on Hayling Island, Hampshire, England

Created by Skeeee > 9 months ago, 6 Feb 2018
VIC, 260 posts
6 Feb 2018 9:44PM
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1508 posts
6 Feb 2018 8:12PM
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Great vid. I grew up on Hayling. Conditions like that don't happen very often there. So you did well to capture it.

5121 posts
6 Feb 2018 8:16PM
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This is foiling heaven!!!

473 posts
7 Feb 2018 12:35AM
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Thats my local spot.. I've mentioned it before that we have a 700mtr paddle out to the sandbar across a rip channel..
It's a decent little place to SUP, it's quite shallow actually so foiling isn't an option unless you stay in the deeper water where there are no waves..
It's a very long and wide tipped sandbar like a teardrop shape (as most estuary sandbars are) and the better waves come in and wrap around the end of the bar and hook back in along it's lee edge..
You can get almost a 700mtr surf from tip to where the rip channel is.

It's where I use my Flow 8'7, Speeed 8'10 and Shroom 8'3.

Nice vid by a local SUP'er.

NSW, 102 posts
7 Feb 2018 1:44PM
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That makes me glad my ancestors were crooks

419 posts
7 Feb 2018 6:06PM
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I know Hayling bar well as used to wavesail there quite a bit. It is quite a way out to sea which might keep the kooks away.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Supping on Hayling Island, Hampshire, England" started by Skeeee