Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Switching Boards at the Wedge tricky stuff

Created by GizzieNZ > 9 months ago, 11 Sep 2014
4103 posts
11 Sep 2014 4:06PM
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QLD, 459 posts
11 Sep 2014 7:08PM
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Getting back onto the Mal, now that would be tricky!!

NSW, 326 posts
11 Sep 2014 7:56PM
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GizzieNZ said..

Probably not the bloke you would put in charge of OH&S at your workplace

VIC, 516 posts
11 Sep 2014 11:21PM
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Geez he must have been bored to think of that!

VIC, 30 posts
12 Sep 2014 12:16AM
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Love the choice of music for that clip. I was waiting to see a cameraman pop his head out of the water wearing a sombrero.

SA, 247 posts
12 Sep 2014 12:31AM
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Looks dangerous enough already without some nut job throwing loose boards into the mix.Wonder what the guy in the foreground was thinking in the the first part of the clip,when the mal was going over the over the falls heading his way.

WA, 15 posts
12 Sep 2014 3:12AM
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The first time I've seen someone that deserves to have the **** kicked out of him when he gets back to the beach. And I hate aggression in the line up.

VIC, 5000 posts
12 Sep 2014 10:40AM
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Excuse my ignorance - what's the point? Surely that wave could be caught on any craft? I've seen vids of guys stepping off standups to shortboards & even skimmers before, but usually they do it because it would be too difficult to catch the wave otherwise.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Switching Boards at the Wedge tricky stuff" started by GizzieNZ