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Thirsty when Paddling

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 27 Jun 2016
QLD, 2035 posts
27 Jun 2016 7:01AM
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I've been keeping of the sugar for a good twelve months, don't you feel the difference in your fitness "better I think" like I'm not drinking as much water when I'm paddling as I used to because I'm not feeling as thirsty I recon sugar dehydrate's you. The last time I had a can of Coke-Cola was last years 2015 Molokai 2 Oahu race. as I need a quick rush

Breezes whats your opinion on this topic.

I have tried sports drinks many years ago and find they are not my thing and just a waist of money.

I find by eating plenty of blended vegetables your body gets so hydrated you don't feel as thirsty when your paddling for long distances

QLD, 5103 posts
27 Jun 2016 2:03PM
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yep sugar makes you thirsty alright.
Any natural sugar in fruit and veg is the way to go . sports drinks have sugar.some are crap

I meet a Tahitian Outrigger champ ,they keep cans of coka a cola ,as he called it, in the boat in case anyone hits the wall.
they are the world champs .
I think its the combo in coke ...coco ,caffeine sugar. zing
the proofs in the pudding.

QLD, 7074 posts
27 Jun 2016 5:23PM
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I ran the support boat on the weekend for the Pacifica crew that came second in the 9 man outrigger race on the weekend , all the boys were guzzling coconut water. It was a tuff race no wind and only 10 to 15 boat lengths between 2nd , 3rd & 4th last 20km. Seemed to work none of the boys blew up.

NSW, 58 posts
30 Jun 2016 10:09PM
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Piros said...
I ran the support boat on the weekend for the Pacifica crew that came second in the 9 man outrigger race on the weekend , all the boys were guzzling coconut water. It was a tuff race no wind and only 10 to 15 boat lengths between 2nd , 3rd & 4th last 20km. Seemed to work none of the boys blew up.

Coconut Water

It’s naturally hydrating. Coconut water is naturally rich in 5 key electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous) making it super-refreshing and hydrating.

It helps replenish after exercise. Coconut water is a great source of potassium, which can aid in recovery. Perspiration during exercise leads to a loss of electrolytes and causes an imbalance in body fluids. A loss of just 1-2% of your body’s water can cause dehydration and lessen your performance.

It’s free from nasty surprises. There’s no added sugar, concentrates, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. It’s gluten free and contains no genetically modified ingredients.

It’s a lighter alternative. Coconut water naturally contains 50% less sugar than apple juice and contains zero fat or cholesterol.

It can help prevent muscle cramping. Maintaining good levels of potassium helps reduce muscle cramping during exercise.
It contains antiviral and antibacterial properties. Coconut water is naturally high in lauric acid, used by the body to make monolaurin, a disease fighting fatty-acid derivative.

It’s gut-friendly. Coconut water supports a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy immune system by helping to reduce acidity and balance the body’s natural Ph.

QLD, 7074 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:07AM
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WA, 117 posts
1 Jul 2016 7:39AM
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wazupra said..

Piros said...
I ran the support boat on the weekend for the Pacifica crew that came second in the 9 man outrigger race on the weekend , all the boys were guzzling coconut water. It was a tuff race no wind and only 10 to 15 boat lengths between 2nd , 3rd & 4th last 20km. Seemed to work none of the boys blew up.

Coconut Water

It’s naturally hydrating. Coconut water is naturally rich in 5 key electrolytes (potassium, calcium, sodium, magnesium and phosphorous) making it super-refreshing and hydrating.

It helps replenish after exercise. Coconut water is a great source of potassium, which can aid in recovery. Perspiration during exercise leads to a loss of electrolytes and causes an imbalance in body fluids. A loss of just 1-2% of your body’s water can cause dehydration and lessen your performance.

It’s free from nasty surprises. There’s no added sugar, concentrates, artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. It’s gluten free and contains no genetically modified ingredients.

It’s a lighter alternative. Coconut water naturally contains 50% less sugar than apple juice and contains zero fat or cholesterol.

It can help prevent muscle cramping. Maintaining good levels of potassium helps reduce muscle cramping during exercise.
It contains antiviral and antibacterial properties. Coconut water is naturally high in lauric acid, used by the body to make monolaurin, a disease fighting fatty-acid derivative.

It’s gut-friendly. Coconut water supports a crucial aspect of maintaining a healthy immune system by helping to reduce acidity and balance the body’s natural Ph.

Given the choice between cola and coconut water I would choose coconut water every time. I knew coconut water was good for you but after reading wazupra post the benefits of it sound great.
Mmm now i feel like coconut water

255 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:27AM
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Coconut water does not have enough Sodium to address dehydration from intense activity…Fact!

15 posts
1 Jul 2016 9:34AM
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or magnesium.
Very clever marketing.
However I drink it in long races ( 3hours + ) + Hammer Nutrition Race Caps & Endurolytes.
Works for me.

QLD, 2031 posts
1 Jul 2016 11:56AM
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burleighlocal said...
Coconut water does not have enough Sodium to address dehydration from intense activity…Fact!

Large fries and a coke ?

255 posts
1 Jul 2016 10:49AM
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husq2100 said..

burleighlocal said...
Coconut water does not have enough Sodium to address dehydration from intense activity…Fact!

Large fries and a coke ?

well you can say that to an people with an ostomy who have a high output that leads to dehydration do infact eat chips to address the sodium imbalance.

(however I do appreciate the slight mocking in your post. )

255 posts
1 Jul 2016 10:50AM
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RussJohnson said..
or magnesium.
Very clever marketing.
However I drink it in long races ( 3hours + ) + Hammer Nutrition Race Caps & Endurolytes.
Works for me.

it is good marketing backed by faux science.

QLD, 5103 posts
1 Jul 2016 1:35PM
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I'd eat the whole coconut ...I love to chew.builds ya jaw muscle up ,so you have a great smile.

coconuts are a awesome food ,not only the water .
great for the skin ,pure coconut oil .

It gets a big tick.
coke is a bandaid fix.but great with vodka And ice.

or rum for some of you.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Thirsty when Paddling" started by Downwinder