Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Tiger Sharks on Maui

Created by Downwinder > 9 months ago, 21 May 2016
QLD, 2031 posts
21 May 2016 5:03PM
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G'day Breezes in 2013 I remember posting on here that Maui had around 8 Tiger Shark attacks from August to November, 4 being fatal.

I can't remember who but I got severely heckled by a few guys from WA saying I was full of s@#t because it was not on Australian TV

Breezes, you'd only hear of shark attacks on Oahu only because it's a tourist destination, on Maui no-one cares only the locals.

Check out this video "To Rest My Case"

Timmy the Tiger Shark

2129 posts
21 May 2016 3:45PM
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That was really interesting, thanks for posting.

That would be an interesting job

4103 posts
22 May 2016 5:00PM
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Definitely essential viewing for anyone who surfs in Maui.....looks like there are some seriously high risk areas

QLD, 449 posts
22 May 2016 7:36PM
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Wow... Excellent researchers and excellent presentation.

182 posts
22 May 2016 6:36PM
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It's simple. You just don't think about them. You're more likely to get in a car accident in Maui than be a shark's meal. You also use your head. Don't sit on your board in Maliko Gulch dangling your feet, especially after a heavy rain when the water inside and outside the gulch is muddy and murky. As for the south side (Kihei), well again don't think about it. Or avoid surfing at the cove or Kalama park. It's full of mostly kooks anyways. And if you're doing a downwind run on the south side, you'll be having waaaay too much fun to worry about them.


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Tiger Sharks on Maui" started by Downwinder