Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

Travelling with SUP boards - there is a solution

Created by Garethg > 9 months ago, 17 Feb 2015
NSW, 406 posts
17 Feb 2015 2:20PM
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Just picked up the new Flying Objects Travel SUP board bag and wanted to share this neat product. How frustrating is it carrying SUP boards through airports and in transit without wheels.

Well the solution is here - a wheelie SUP board bag with solid wheels that takes 2 boards plus paddles. The travel bag weighs around 5-6kg, which is really light.

The costs and the sizes of the bags are - (8'0 x 28 - $275.00) (8'10 x 32 - $315.00 ) (9'6 x 32" - $330.00).

Wind Surf & Snow can order these in as required -(02) 9971 0999

VIC, 3982 posts
17 Feb 2015 2:31PM
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That's brilliant. Good find.

lost at sea
WA, 358 posts
17 Feb 2015 11:38AM
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Nice!!!! I've being eyeing that bag off for a while , finally got my minister war and finance to accept that I need to travel with sups and surfboards on holidays ha ha !!!!!

NSW, 406 posts
18 Feb 2015 2:29PM
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tortise said..
Nice!!!! I've being eyeing that bag off for a while , finally got my minister war and finance to accept that I need to travel with sups and surfboards on holidays ha ha !!!!!

Classic ------- " Minister War & Finance"

VIC, 580 posts
20 Feb 2015 3:19PM
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Looks good. Oh, the first world suffering life throws at us having to lug boards thru airports.....


Forums > Stand Up Paddle General

"Travelling with SUP boards - there is a solution" started by Garethg